(Crossposted at
Keromaru Blogspot)
Some of you might have heard of Jack Thompson, but then, some of you might not have. Jack Thompson is the lawyer who seems to have made a career out of blaming various entertainment-related people for violent crime. Most recently, he has teamed up with Sen. Hillary Clinton in her crusade against violent video games, which have somewhat of a
spurious link with actual violence. One of his most recent insanities was his assertion that
The Sims 2 is pornographic.
Johnny Pi at
Design Synthesis corrects a few of Thompson's statistics.
And Thompson is back in the news now thanks to his
Modest Proposal, offering $10,000 to any game developer that has a dad go out and slaughter the video game industry.
He operates this website:
Stopkill.com, where he encourages people to email him. And some people have.
Foremost is Gabe of Penny Arcade, who
pointed out that PA's own "Child's Play" charity has raised half a million for sick children across the country (soon to be worldwide), so Thompson's own $10,000 offer is just weak in comparison.
Others have emailed him in the past. These are some of the results:
"Plagearize" at
Aeleon exchanged some emails with Mr. Thompson, who replied with the following:
"Don’t need your help, junior. You’re the problem"
"No, the gaming makes the email ridiculous. you gamers are all in a panic, which is why you are coming after me. if I were the lunatic you claim, you would ignore me. you are afraid, because you know that I am right"
"you’re right. i have better things to do than bother with gamers’ ideas, which is the latest oxymoron."
Shaun McCormick has decided "Jack Thompson is a douchebag" based on his email exchange, in which Thompson refuses to answer his questions, then finishes with "bug off."
More correspondance quotes at
this forum. Here's what I'd like to see: I want someone to win some major award or high office after a life spent playing video games. It could (hypothetically) be a Pulitzer for Bryan Lee O'Malley for Scott Pilgrim, an Oscar for Tetsuya Nomura for FFVII: Advent Children, or the Constitution being amended to allow Shigeru Miyamoto to win the presidency. I would like whoever manages that to kindly tell this guy off. He seems to like arguments from authority, and while I don't suggest saying, "I've won a pulitzer, so shut up," I would like to see the look on his face when he's got a perfectly logical, well-reasoned argument from someone whom he can't shrug off by call, "Junior." I know I wouldn't want anybody calling me "Junior."
C'mon, who would you trust, this guy, or President Miyamoto?