Playing catchup.

Sep 05, 2009 15:17

So, Beatles: Rock Band comes out on the 9th. Won't be getting it then, but I'll probably have it by the end of the year.

To get ready for this, I decided to download new copies of all of their discography, this time at a much higher quality level. (My old copies were shit on decent headphones.) I thought, 'hey, I'll listen to all of it, and really get a grip on the catalog.' Great idea.

What actually turned out happening is this: I have listened to Revolver at least once a day for the last two weeks.

When I was a kid, I would steal my parents' LPs and 45s a lot. So stuff like Head East, Wish You Were Here, BTO, Bill Cosby, Cheech and Chong.. and Revolver. For a couple years, I listened to Revolver almost constantly. God, that album has a place in my heart not even Coheed or Five Iron can match most days. (Not that I'm a screaming fanboy.)

Went walking around putting in applications earlier. I forgot so many phone numbers, halfway through the first one, I had to come home and pull them from my various address books. A little embarrassing, but oh well. Put in a few more, then walked home. Put on Help! as I was leaving, wishing that 'I'm Down' had made it onto the album, and I'd barely finished it by the time my fingers were begging to put Revolver on. Damn addicts.

Other than that.. uh. Not much. Applying for jobs, listening to music, playing video games, wrestling with computers, wishing to God I just had some source of income and wasn't worried about having to piss test at any arbitrary point. I'd love a joint right about now.

And the Japanese Festival is this weekend. Fffffff. ;______;

EDIT: I forgot to share this with you all, didn't I?

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