
Aug 08, 2009 01:50

Still looking for a job.

Amanda moved out, Doc moved his computers and such into his bedroom, I moved into the second bedroom. So, now I have a door for the first time since I was living with Aaron at the start of 2007. So I can pretty much have music on constantly now.

Going down to Denver on Sunday for some show-off the local Lego fan club is putting on. Actually kind of excited about it, 'cause it'll be the first time I've been out of this town since the start of June.

Also, want to punch myself in the face. And not just because I found one (uno, singular) cigarette while cleaning and now I'm listening to Whatever and Ever Amen and it turns out I have never listened to this album without smoking constantly and now I miss not having self-control.

Also been having srs thoughts (srs bsns) about relationships and related bullshit lately. Really not a fan. ;____;
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