It's days like this that make me question the universe's sense of humor.

Apr 25, 2009 03:38

Ever since we decided to close the store, I've looked upon things as 'the end of an adventure,' 'cause really, that's what this whole thing was. Moving across the country to run a business with a couple friends? It didn't end quite the way I'd have liked, but valuable experience nonetheless, etc.

I went up to the mall today with Isaac to grab one of the couches and bring it back here. We got to the store, put the couch on the dolly; then I sat down and remembered just how comfortable the couch was. So we pulled it up to the front of the store, facing out, and peoplewatched for a while. Good times.

At one point, Isaac went to the bathroom, and some random guy came in to look at the stuff we had left to sell. We got to talking, discussed PSPs and Mother 3, and he sympathized with me about the store closing. On his way out the door, out of the blue, he said 'Good luck on your next adventure.'

Ever since then (around 6pm), I've been wondering if maybe some greater cosmic entity than myself made sure I heard that. If maybe there's some new adventure I'm supposed to go out on now, other than wait a month and start working at Roger's bus depot. Is there something I'm supposed to be doing elsewhere?

Hell. Philosophical crisis. I'm going to go do some sudoku or something until I pass out.
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