(no subject)

Apr 21, 2009 02:52

While sitting at a restaurant earlier, waiting for food, Doc opened the conversation with this:

'I want a bouncy ball that bounces off the ground with 101% efficiency.'

So we discussed exactly how that would not only A) controvert Newtonian physics completely, but B) implode the universe after a given amount of time/acceleration. (Short version: as an object accelerates towards the speed of light, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, it also gains mass; if, as I believe, Zeno's Paradox only exists in a purely theoretical realm, then when the object attains the speed of light, it also mathematically attains infinite mass, therefore causing the entire universe to almost instantaneously implode around it.) This lasted for about ten minutes, in which time we somehow managed to rope another person into the conversation. 'I have to get in on this,' he said as he leaned out of his booth, just before killing the conversation dead with poorly-informed fears of the LHC.

As the unknown man was leaving, he made sure to wish me a 'happy 4/20'. I didn't bother to point out to him (but made sure to do so to Doc) that, if I were stoned, I would have had a lot more trouble spitting out phrases like 'asymptotically approaching the speed of light' without giggling for half an hour and forgetting where I was.

So, yeah, unemployed now. Buying a plane ticket this week. Playing a lot of video games, sitting around, probably not drinking as much coffee as I should to keep up this hipster stereotype I seem to keep around.

While at the mall earlier, slinging a yo-yo repeatedly, I ran into one of the locals; he related to me a conversation he'd had one of his friends.
person A: 'You know that guy who works at GameOn, looks like Jesus?'
person B: 'Oh yeah, Fuzzy.'
It never ends.
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