You were right for almost a year

Mar 15, 2008 22:14

I thought people had stopped using LiveJournal. I thought wrong.

Maybe you, dear friends, thought I had stopped using LiveJournal. You were right for almost a year, but you are now wrong.

I've given a lot of thought to doing a Japan-related blog using my Blogger account, something that I'm hoping will be a nice resource for people wanting to live or travel in Japan. I've also got a lot of computer-related ideas bouncing around in my head, so maybe I'll do a techie blog too.

Whatever I do on other sites, I think I'm going to keep my LJ as a personal thing just to keep friends (and stalkers, can't get enough of those) up-to-date on my current situation. Ponderings that are neither Japan nor tech-related can also go here, I suppose.

I've got a lot of things bouncing around in my head right now, and I'll try to strike a balance between a million tiny posts and one gigantic one. Since I want you to feel like you're getting something from reading this, other than vague promises about stuff I'll do in the future, I'll do a quick list of stuff that's happened to me in the past year.
  • I got my first "real world", post-college job. I work as a code monkey for an online yellow pages project, which is a side-project of a company that does - get this - exercise equipment and saunas. I've been there almost a year now.
  • I moved back home at the beginning of the summer. Living at the frat house had been fun during school, but it became somewhat awkward to still be there after graduating and starting work. Plus frat houses and regular sleep schedules do not mix.
  • My ex and I decided to stay single. We sort of got back together for the time being, after breaking up in late 2006, but she's living halfway across the country now, and our lives are taking separate paths.
  • After going through some bad depression, I went on a winter trip to Vegas, and that pulled me out of it in a big way. I didn't win any money gambling, but I saw several really awesome shows.
  • I reconnected with some old friends from high school. We started playing a Dungeons & Dragons campaign, which is the first time I've been involved in tabletop role-playing.
  • I applied for the JET Program, to teach English in Japan. I had my interview on Valentine's Day, and I think it went pretty well. Hopefully I'll hear good news sometime in April.
  • I started getting into electronics. I got a robot kit and an unrelated book for Christmas, and I've been reading another book on the subject from the library.
  • Very recently - two days ago, Thursday - I picked up Portal. It's a fantastic game that's really gotten its hooks into me. I haven't played a game this addicting since Katamari Damacy.
Recently, I had a realization that I need to stop blaming my problems on my situation as though I had no control over it. Even though I've just listed some good and interesting things above, I feel like my general situation is not good. Updating my LJ again is one of the little things I'm doing to improve it.
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