Rustic Woman: Chapter 6

Jun 08, 2012 02:54

Summary: After graduation many people must find their way in life. This is their story of love, loss, ups, and downs while searching for a bright future. Features AmixMakoto, MinakoxRei, HarukaxMichiru and more. A long song fiction story. Many chapters, still being worked on to this day. Mostly Yuri, some Yaoi in later chapters.

Song: You're Gonna' Be.
By: Reba McEntire

Song lyrics will be in italics.
Normal story won't be.

I do not own Sailor Moon. I am merely a fan.
Chapter Six: A Families Past: Part Two.
"Hurricane Minako strikes again…" Grandfather Hino sighed as he looked at Yūichirō who was currently face down in the kitchen with a puddle of water at his feet. "Where's the wet floor sign at?" He asked as he helped the poor man stand up.

"I don't know. I just live here." The tall man said trying to remove his wet hair from his face. "That's the third time this week." He looked down at his clothing and the shook his head, water droplets still falling from strands to hair. "I'd better go change."

Grandfather Hino nodded his approval as he found some towels to dry the mess. Mopping the floor didn't mean to poor water everywhere, but trying to tell that to the blond was proving to be pointless. As he looked out the kitchen window he saw why he was still allowing this entire thing to go on. Rei was happy. She was smiling. That in and of itself was worth the extra work needed to train Minako.

"You're going to pay!" Rei said as she pulled leaves out of her hair and making sure to have them clenched tightly in her hands. She ran up and put them in the back on Minako's shirt. "Now what missy?" she said crossing Minako's arms so that her back was pressed up against Rei's front. "How do you intend to get out of this one?"

Minako turned her head and kissed Rei on the lips for only a short second. The shock value enough to be let go. "Oh my…" It was that time that Grandfather Hino chose to remove himself from the window as Rei yelled and Minako giggled. "Nothing but trouble I swear." He groaned as Yūichirō came back in dry clothes going towards the sink.

"That can't be a good thi- OW!" Holding his head he looked at the elderly man in confusion.
"Leave that window alone." Grandfather Hino warned as he held the mop handle over his head. "Don't go near those girls either."
"I'm not going to." He agreed. "Rei would kill me." He looked towards the window for a second more then walked away. "That's not a very miko thing to do."

"No it's not is it." Hino Takashi said coming into the back door. "When did that start to happen?" He made himself at home knowing full well Rei was busy.
"I'm not fully sure." The elderly gentleman took a seat at the table as well. "Still sneaking around I see."
"Yes. What else am I to do?" Takashi took out his phone from the table to turn it off. He didn't want to be disturbed. "I came to check in."
"Nothing new besides the Minako thing, whatever that thing is." He replied. It was more than just a friendship. Of that Grandfather Hino knew.
"Indeed. Then I shall take my leave for now." Takashi stood from the table. He didn't want to be here if it was pointless.
"Are you going to speak with Rei?" the old man asked.
"Is there a point to do that anymore?" Takashi queried, perhaps apprehensive.
"That all depends." The old man said looking to the window. "She's not a baby anymore Takashi."

The man in his business suit nodded as she walked out the door. He pulled out his wallet. In that wallet were a few photos. Ones of what used to be a happy family. 'She's not a baby anymore Takashi.' Those words rang in his head. "When did she grow up so fast." She was so much like her mother now. She wasn't his little girl anymore. Then again he supposed that she hadn't ever been his little girl after her mother had passed on.

6lbs and 9oz. lookin' up at me
Like I have all the answers
I hope I have the ones you need
I've never really done this, now I know what scared is

Early in those days he had done all he could to care for Rei. He wasn't perfect, often failing at tasks that should be simple. He couldn't change a diaper or heat up milk. He couldn't do any of the things that his wife had made look so easy. He promised himself as she grew up he would make it up to her. He would teach her how to do the right things in life. Teach her a sport or two. Do whatever he could for her. That had been those days when life still had answers for him. When his little girl was a newborn looking at him with blue eyes that all babies have at birth he felt speechless. She was so small. Her inquisitive eyes bore into him as she yawned and fell to sleep. That photo had been the first time he had ever held her in his arms.

Sometimes I'll protect you from everything that's wrong
Other times I'll let you just find out on your own
But that's when you'll be growin',
And the whole time I'll be knowin

As a toddler she was a handful. She was far too much for him to handle on his own. She would scream at him, cry at him, and then run to her grandfather who would just roll his eyes. Daddy didn't do the things mommy and grandpa could do. Meals weren't the same. Shoes weren't tied the same and no matter what he did, he could never do it mommy's way. When Risa, his wife, became ill it was all he could do to care for Rei full time. In the end Rei didn't want him. She wanted Mommy, and when mommy couldn't come home anymore it was grandpa she wanted most. He was the one she cried for at night. He was the one she would listen too. That's why in the end Takashi let her stay with him.

You're gonna fly with every dream you chase
You're gonna cry, but know that that's okay
Sometimes life's not fair, but if you hang in there
You're gonna see that sometimes bad is good
We just have to believe things work out like they should
Life has no guarantees, but always loved by me
You're gonna be

He made sure to stay out of sight as he watched he daughter make a mess of leaves in the back of the shrine. She was acting childish. So very much like her mother. They both had a sort of free spirit within them when someone came along who could unlock the cadge they kept a tight lock on. The scene before him proved that she was doing alright.

"Cut that out." Rei admonished as Minako was hanging on her back. "Get off me."
"Why?" The blond laughed as she blew more hot air past Rei's ear. "I like it here."
"I just bet you do." Rei growled. "I'm doing all the work." She put down her broom and growled again. "Off! Now!"
"Alright." Minako said as she let her feet go back onto the ground.
"Thank you." Rei's tone was sarcastic as she went to pick up the broom only to be tackled into the leaf pile she had been sweeping up. "Minako!"
"Yes?" The blond smirked as Rei turned to face her.
"You can be a real thorn in my side you know that?" Rei sighed as she flicked a leaf in Minako's general direction.
Minako smirked as she pinched the side of Rei's stomach causing her to yelp out of surprise. "Now I'm a thorn in your side."
"Very funny." Rei said pulling herself back up from the mess they had made. "I would call you a pain in my butt, yet I'm afraid to see what you'd do."
"Hino Rei, just what is that supposed to mean?" Minako asked annoyed.
"Take a guess." Rei shot back.

'She's your daughter alright.' He thought remembering Risa's rarely hot temperament, but constantly dry humor. She had lavender eyes that were just as brilliant as Rei's. When she was upset those eyes seemed to burn with such a fierce anger. The difference with Rei being that she would actually voice her upset if given the chance. When she was happy those eyes sparkled with amusement or contentment. Sometimes Rei would get a far off look an in a small way, Takashi just knew that she was thinking deeply about something. He knew because Risa would have that same look for the same reason. When those lavender eyes cried, they would break you down. Those strong entrapping eyes would just melt you to bits, making you want nothing more than to quell the tears any way possible. You would move mountains if you had too, just so you could see the tears stop.

Rei had a lot of her mother in her. Perhaps too much of her anyone's own good. Rei inherited her brashness from him. Her ability to say what she thought openly when angry was a trait he seemed to know all too well. However just as anger came easily, so did holding a feeling of resentment. When it came to expressing love, it was a rare thing for either of them, although it came more naturally to Rei having had her grandfather to nurture her. It was the best choice Takashi could have done for her at the time. He couldn't be a single father. He didn't know how to deal with such things. He had regrets, and blamed himself for every single fault she carried. In his mind it was his fault and as long as he could be a target then she could punish him for his failures too her.

I'm afraid you'll have to suffer through
some of my mistakes
Lord knows I'll be trying to give you what it takes
What it takes to know the difference
Between getting by and livin'

He wasn't father of the year. He was so far removed from being a good dad. He knew that more than he liked to admit. If Rei never forgave him, he would understand. He wouldn't mind, taking all the hate she could dish out at him with as much boldness as possible. Her life was just fine without him. Perhaps he was a coward for not speaking with her even when he was so close in times like this. If that were so, then may the world outcast him from his position. He wouldn't care. He refused to walk into her life now, after all of these years and risk destroying everything she had in her life. He hadn't given her that. He had no right to take it away from her. He wasn't that kind of man. He knew this was the best. Even if it hurt, there were things that were worse out there in this world. He had seen it firsthand.

She hadn't grown up in poverty. She had a roof over her head with plenty of food and drink. She had a good school she had attended and friends to call her family. He knew that wasn't a replacement for a father, but it could have been worse. As bad as he had made her life, as hard as it had been, it could have been so much worse in so many ways. She had her life, and he had his. That was simply the cold hard truth. He couldn't risk that now and possibly cause more harm.

"Hey is Usagi here yet?" Ami asked as she came strolling up with Makoto's hand in hers.
"Not yet." Rei said. "What's with her though? This morning I thought she was going to break my phone."
"She was going in to see mother today." Ami explained.
"Why? What happened?" That made Rei worried.
"She says she's late." Ami explained.
"That's nothing new." Rei said totally missing the point.
"Not time late you dolt!" Makoto couldn't believe Rei was that oblivious.
"Well what the heck kind of late is…oh" Rei finally figured it out.
"Took you long enough." Minako laughed before getting serious. "Where is she?"
"I don't know. She said to come by here." Makoto explained. "If she is then she's going to tell her parents first I'm sure."
"Well hell if I wait around to find out." Rei said grabbing Makoto's truck keys out of her hands. "Come on. Let's find out first hand."

'Cause anything worth doing is worth doing all the way
Just know you'll have to live with all
the choices that you make
So make sure you're always givin' way
more than you're takin'

Takashi chuckled as she saw his daughter take charge and storm off to do what she felt she needed too in true Hino fashion. In her wake were one giggling blond and two shocked faces who were attempting to keep up with Rei's overzealous behavior. He wasn't going to lose her though as he tailed her being sure to keep out of sight. He had done it all of her life. He had to be sure she grew up right after all and this was as close as she would allow him to get. He followed them as they fought over the driver's seat. He wasn't sure who was saying what from how far away he was but he was sure that it was quite the heated debate.

"I drive. It's my truck!"
"Like hell. Get in."
"You're a speed demon when annoyed."
"And you drive like a grandma! Get in the darn car before I shove you in myself."
"I'd like to see you try!"
"Alright then."
That last person had to have been Rei seeing as the taller girl with brown hair just ended up in the bed of the truck before a door slammed and it took off into the distance.

"Well, shall we be off?" Grandfather Hino asked as he walked down the steps knowing full well that Rei was headed towards the hospital where Ami's mother worked.
"You'll let me come with you?" Takashi was taken aback by the invite.
"You'll end up going anyway." Grandfather Hino answered knowingly. "Might as well go with me so that I can save you if she tries to throttle you."
"I don't think she would." Takashi answered wondering just how defensive Rei could get.
"If she pushed Makoto, one of her best friends, into a truck bed what makes you think she won't?" Yūichirō wondered aloud.
"Point taken." Takashi nodded and took the offered escort.

You're gonna fly with every dream you chase
You're gonna cry, but know that that's okay
Sometimes life's not fair, but if you hang in there
You're gonna see that sometimes bad is good
We just have to believe things work out like they should
Life has no guarantees, but always loved by me
You're gonna be

"Well?" Ikuko asked excited. "What's the answer?" Everyone was crowded in the waiting room as Usagi and Mamoru came down the elevators with an amused Saeko trailing behind. It was just one large mass of people. Even Michiru and Haruka were in the back, little Hotaru being passed over too Setsuna to keep her content.

"Mom… What are you all doing here?" Usagi was beyond the point of dazed to see all of her friends and family crammed around them.
"Blame a little birdie in the white lab coat." Ami said as she sighed. "And I thought Rei was going overboard."
"Not now." Rei said getting the spot light off of her. "So, what is the answer? Are you, or aren't you."
"What do you mean not now? I was in the bed of a truck for thirty miles." Makoto growled. "Usagi, you'd better have news."
"Pipe down." Zoisite said placing his hand over his sisters' mouth.

"Oh don't worry. I do." Usagi assured as she was beaming. This certainly took the problem of who to tell first out of the way since everyone would hear the news at the same time. "I'm pregnant!" That was all she needed to say as pandemonium hit in one large gigantic flood. Congratulations were given out in mass quantities as some of the men decided now was a good time to have a go at Mamoru for making Usagi get pregnant before the wedding night, although most were in a joking fashion. All except for one man who glared at him as if looks could kill. From the outside looking in Takashi kept his distance. Happy that he was unseen.

Someone's everything
You're gonna see
Just what you are to me

He wouldn't bother Rei today, not when she was so happy. He smiled knowing that the people she joined in the crowed were the ones who made her life the best it could ever be. The one called Minako; she would be the one who would take care of Rei. He just knew that. She has been around for a long time and hadn't allowed Rei to get away from her. He paused when he thought about the nature of what came into his head at that point. 'Am I even okay with that?' he thought. Turning around to look in the window one last time at how happy Rei was he just sighed in defeat.

You're gonna fly with every dream you chase
We just have to believe things work out like they should
Life has no guarantees, but always loved by me
You're gonna be
Always loved by me

'I'll have to be won't I' with that he nodded to himself, letting the girls inside have their fun. He didn't want to be seen, he didn't want to ruin the day. He would speak with Rei one day. He would just have to wait his turn. He hoped one day he could be a part of that happy life, but, as always the answer would be up to her.

Onto Next Chapter...

saeko, romance, shojo ai, song fiction, yaoi, minakoxrei, amixmakoto, hotaru, sailor moon, drama, harukaxmichiru, yuri, setsuna

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