This IS the Future!

Jan 12, 2007 05:46

Holy shit, the boys down in the Apple labs have done it again!

I recently switched from PC to Mac, and I've had nothing short of an amazing experience, and since it came with an iPod my music is also delivered via fruit. I must say HOLY SHIT--so far everything is so much better than what people have said about their products, the only complaints I've seen that linger beyond the whole "I must use windows or else nothing will work, because Microsoft said so!" are the prices that seem high to some people. Honestly, as far as computers go, if you priced out a comparible system and purchased all the software that you would need to be able to do everything a Mac can do out of the box, it's either tied on price for the lower end products and actually cheaper for the really hight end stuff. Now you might say, "there are other mp3 players that have the same feature set of iPods for less", but what you don't get is the genius of having a sexy, clean designed unit and iTunes is simply some of the best software I've seen for syncing/loading songs onto a device, not to mention their media store is pretty damn nice, if you go for the whole buying stuff digitally and whatnot. The iPhone is nothing short of amazing, they really were able to capture the slick looking OS X features, keep the design clean, and make it as easy to navigate and use the phone more than any phone I've ever seen--and don't even talk about the smart phones, those fuckers are complex, annoying, ugly and fuck all expensive too. The prices are pretty high just looking at the sticker, but the fact that it's a widescreen iPod video + Sweet ass smart phone, PDA = way better value. The only downside is that it's a Cingular product at the moment, which will probably open up like the Blackberry did, and my only real issue with Cingular was that service sucked in Mt. Pleasant ie. at the time I didn't get ANY, and their phones were lame. From what I hear though, they've improved all those points, and I just don't feel like switching carriers since I just signed a 2 year contract.

So, yeah, in other news there is no news in my life in regards to the last post I made, since she still hasn't contacted me--and on the upside, I noticed a correlation between my grades dropping and the increases on the dating front, so that bodes well as I gear up for my mad dash to graduate within a year. On a side note, if anybody who reads this sees my ex out and about, or Jason who was friends with her before we dated get's a chance, let her know just how shitty what she did was. I honestly can't say I hate her tho, the cunt who stopped calling me back, rather than confront me and end things in an adult manner, was a complete 180 from the girl I dated and care about. I miss that girl dearly, but seeing as how that person she was died giving birth to the inconsiderate whore she is now--I'm sure better off never seeing her again. I also hope she goes back to her ex so he can get her knocked up during one of the failed attempts to satisfy her, and that his sub-par genetic material spawns a wobbly headed burden that ruins all their family photos, and causes self loathing everytime someone says it looks just like them. Well fuck that was mean, but it felt good, and made me chuckle a bit, because I really hope his life sucks more than it already does no matter who he ends up with.
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