I haven't owned a near-current game system since the N64, and now I own a Nintendo DS and love it. I also really love the
Revolution backup card I bought for it. I'm taking care not to love it too much; I still have a job to do and stuff.
Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in downtown Santa Barbara with a pretty cool little festival, at which I lunched with
eowyn797 and had me some ground beef tortillas with corn. I then climbed up the side of one of those climbing walls for the first two times in my life, and fell off of it the first time just before getting to the top, laughing hysterically. It really was a blast, and I'd like to do it some more. However, just after finishing the climbs, my body felt like I'd been wrestling with five small children. (She caught it on video - the climbing, not the child-wrestling - and I hope to upload it within the next few days.)
I still love my job after a solid month of work. There are things that still frustrate me in my daily tasks, but I still love it. That's unusual for me. That's how I know.