Nov 12, 2003 22:52
As she stands in front of the floor-length mirror, she realizes she hates the reflection that stares back at her. She ponders to herself all the things she would change if she had the money to do so. She would change the way her hair fell limply around her face, she would whiten her teeth as they never seem as radiant as those pictures in the magazines. Next she would change her body, make her breasts more voluptuous, liposuction away her belly as well as tighten her butt. For she looks nothing like all women she sees on tv and then she would have a manicure and a pedicure. She would buy a brand new wardrobe to go with her new body. For you see her self-image is not what it should be, as she is not "beautiful" in terms of society. Then with one last look into that horribly accurate mirror of hers, she remembers the words her mother told her with all the wisdom of her years...that beauty is in the eye in of the beholder. Her mother reminds her that she has a great personality and that no matter how she looks on the outside she has a heart of gold! Although she understands her mother's perspective as she looks into that mirror she can't help but feel that if she were "beautiful" life would seem a little bit easier... alas she can't so she takes a deep breath and turns from the mirror with glints of tears in her eyes. And she reminds herself that we cannot dwell on tomorrow for we have to live for today.