
Jun 05, 2010 14:49

I had the most vivid dream last night. [I also slept until almost two. Think the dream makes up for it?]

Danny, me, and this guy who looked suspiciously like Draco Malfoy (or Tom Felton rather) but with, erm, I think facial hair and darker hair in general... we were all in this sort of race to find this little charm. I don't remember exactly what it was called anymore... some goddess' name's tears or something. But I remember it looked like a sun and moon, only jeweled in red. So we were looking for it. Danny and I found something hanging off a stair railing that was supposed to be some key to the next step and moved on, but it ended up being a false lead. When we turned to go back we ran into Draco-guy who was holding the charm. He made the classic bad-guy mistake of telling us how he found it at that same railing we were just at; it was up in a semi-hidden compartment and he pulled it down.

Well we kicked his ass and took it back :3

Then we went back to the railing to see if we missed any clues. The railing was by this big open square, not far from the gap between two buildings with a red-jeweled chandelier hanging from the roof between them. It was designed just the same as the charm and the little square bit that had been holding it before Draco-guy got it. So I reattached it to its holder, then turned it around sort of like a key, and it made the chandelier start swinging back and forth.

We realized that it swung back and forth between two upstairs little secret places we couldn't otherwise get to, but Danny could reach the chandelier to climb on it, so I stopped it swinging long enough for him to climb on and he tried to jump from the chandelier to one of the secret balcony things. Unfortunately it put a little too much momentum behind him and he kind of made it onto the balcony but rolled really hard into the far wall, which happened to be an elevator. I tried to follow him up (stupid us or stupid dream, I managed to just climb the wall up to the balcony...) but Draco-guy beat me to it, took the charm back, and used it to get into the elevator.

Which was BAD NEWS.

Then it turned all Percy Jackson on me. Danny and I ran (he was spitting out a tooth fragment; apparently he rolled REALLY hard into that wall). Draco-guy came out of the building again shortly, only he was HUGE now, and glowing with god-aura. Apparently he was a young god, and so was I--and that chamber we were all trying to get into was an accelerator, so now he'd reached full godhood. And I was still vulnerable.

Around this point Danny disappeared. I pulled some Prince-of-Persia-like rewinding skills to keep from getting squished (guess my brain was pulling a fandom crossover) and I just RAN.

There was a lot of running. Kind of like the montages in movies where weeks of running are compressed into a brief little scene. And I was exhausted all the time, because my young-god stamina made it very very hard to stay ahead of him with his full-god stamina.

Until I slipped into this building with a blue band around the bottom of the door. Was a sign from my own godly father, I suppose, because I knew instinctively to follow it. It was like this bath house, kind of looked like a pool or gym shower room but much much fancier. I pulled open one of the curtains and it revealed this throne-like chair with blue bits to it. Water was pouring over it. I knew to sit down. (I think at this point I was a boy? I was practically Percy Jackson, as if the water isn't a clue.)

The water felt rejuvenating, and I knew that for a time I was safe so I just relaxed in it. It healed all my aches and pains, and my godly father even spoke to me. Asked if I felt better or something, to which I replied everywhere but these two points on my head. Well apparently in this dream world of mine, young gods grow horns as they're starting to mature to full godhood, because these sore spots (he explained) were the beginning bumps of my own horns... he'd managed to semi-accelerate me through a step in my maturation to a full god, so it would be easier to run now, and I'd be able to fight back some with water and such.

The rest of the dream was me running again, but with a bit more ability to defend myself. I tried to keep to beaches and other water sources, and I was able to use the water to slow Draco-guy a little because I could move through it like it wasn't there but he was slowed similarly to the way a human is wading through water.

And I guess that's all I remember, but it's certainly the most detailed, vivid dream I've had in a long time. I suppose I must have barely been asleep for the last hour or two, letting the dream play out.

Unfortunately, I haven't been writing like I should for my Completion Challenge. I keep feeling like I want to make myself a webpage for my portfolio and make these detailed world and character scraps for the elements of Blood and Heat before I actually continue. But I don't need to. I should just write. -pokes self- Fortunately since I dropped my goal to 80,000 in three months because of the change to a trilogy, it won't be TOO difficult to make up.

Also I have the worst luck on RPG-D. I swear there will be days when no one posts anything new in the Non-RPG ad directory, but the moment I post my monthly update, someone ALWAYS posts something new which removes my post as the Latest Post link. I swear, I bet a week spent as the Latest Post link really helps attract members...

danny, dreams, cool, writing

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