I've been trying to think of a way to describe this semester. It's not like drowning. Quite. It's like... lazily floating along on my back, barely afloat... but then occasionally a wave comes in, splashes over me, and I have to doggy paddle like the wind to stay above water for a while, until it calms down again. That's right, doggy paddle. Meh.
I've gotten Cs on my first two PSYC exams this semester. The first I studied for (a little) and did slightly worse on than the second, which I literally was not aware I was taking that day until I got to class and was handed a Scantron sheet. So, no studying there, obviously. I guess it's good to know that I can completely zone out in lecture and get a C on the exam purely by doing the handful of online assignments that were due for the class. But it goes to show that if I paid attention I'd have my usual A. I just haven't been on it this semester. I want to blame the blizzard, but I don't really know. Meh.
Fortunately there are two exams left (including the final) and I've been getting As on the other class assignments, so I can balance it back out to at least a B in that class if I... actually study properly for Exam 3 and the final.
My other classes are not so bad, a mix of As and Bs probably.
The irony here is that I'm in class right now, and this is what I'm doing instead of listening to the teacher. :D But it's an easier class. Lots of work, but not difficult work, really. /justification
And that's just school :D Work... I made $24 last night. I work tomorrow and Thursday too, and I just have to hope I make more money. Our electric bill this month is going to be $187 each, which is retarded considering it's split between 4 people. I have barely over $100 at the moment, and I'm going to need $462 by the end of the month/first week of May. And May 6 is my birthday. Happy freaking birthday to me. I am Broke Girl.
I guess I really shouldn't have spent money on my piercing, but at the time I didn't realize how steep the electric bill was going to be, or that I wouldn't make any money Saturday or yesterday at work. I'll probably have to try picking up more days, but that will be hard, since most of the time the servers at work really want their hours. Someone even asked me for my Friday (when I was scheduled for Friday; Bill changed it). I can't afford to give up hours. Gah. I have a feeling I'll be dipping into my savings this month.
And for school financials there's even more. I applied for a CitiAssist loan to pay for my summer classes. My payment has to post by today if I don't want to be dropped from my summer classes. I applied last week and was approved on Friday, but I had to fill out and fax or mail a form to finalize it. So I faxed it Saturday, but Sunday got an email reminding me that I need to turn it in to get finalized, which I guess means they didn't get it. So frustrating. I'll have to call one or both (the school financial office and citibank) if it hasn't been sorted out yet, which I need to check on.
Plus my financial aid package for next school year was more difficult to sort out this time around, and I still need to turn in some paper I have to sign to the office so I can get THAT sorted out. By this point, I'm sure that'll severely reduce the amount of aid I end up receiving.
And even worse, my CitiAssist loan, even with my mom cosigning, gave me a 10% interest rate.
All around, I just want to bash my head against a table or something.
Now... some brighter stuff. First the TMI. Don't read if you're squeamish about sexual type stuff. I got a new piercing: a VCH (vertical clitoral hood). I got it last Thursday. It's still healing and I've barely messed with it, but so far I'm pleased. My piercer said to wait a week or two to have sex afterward, but that she only waited five days... I only waited three, and had no problems, although we were very careful about it. /TMI
On to more casual topics. I read Fire, the other book by Kristin Cashore--a companion to Graceling. I still like Graceling a tad more, but Fire was excellent too. I really liked the world presented and how it tied into the seven kingdoms we already knew about in Graceling. It fit together very nicely. It looks like I'll be starting a roleplay in the next couple days set in the world of Fire, actually.
Annndd I haven't started my 100 stories challenge yet, even though it's practically been a week. Fail. But I have gone through a lot of my world building notes, and I've already found stuff I'd nearly forgotten about that will be really fun to play with. The problem for me will mostly be choosing what to write first, I think, haha. That and keeping it short. 100 stories of about 1,000 words each in six months might be manageable, but probably not 100 3,000+ word stories, which has so far been my tendency when it comes to world building in Eysuria.
Finally... I'm really considering making a new character worksheet type deal. I feel like I've mentioned this before... but yes. One that deals in fundamental aspects of character, not the little things like what color their eyes are. Hm.