Mar 23, 2006 12:07
Stress is an angry bitch. I have all these things I have to do and I don't want to do any of them. I just want to go downstairs and knit while watching a movie. I also want to go to the rugby 80's party this friday but instead I will be at a hotel with the lacrosse team waiting to sit on the bench for 60 minutes. Oh joy. I have a huge project due on monday and I haven't started it, I have a book review due on Wednesday for which I have not read the book, and I have an exam on wednesday that I haven't started to study for. BALLS.
On the plus side I think I did okay on my religion and mineralogy exams this week. I actually studied a lot for them. I hope I'm not speaking too soon cause if I get them back and did horribly then I might just shit a brick and drop out of school to be a pot head once and for all.
I burned my tongue on hot chocolate yesterday and it still hurts. I am bitter.
Wow, this has been one long bitch session. Well, you know what they say, chicks is bitches.
Cheer up Kendra, its not that bad.