public update on mom

May 10, 2012 14:56

for those who don't know, my mom has been struggling with ocular melanoma for... 2 years or so now. She has gone downhill very quickly the last few weeks and the oncologist and neurologist believe the cancer has moved into her spinal fluid. She is in a great deal of pain and is very very confused most all the time now.

The doctor's are measuring her life in weeks, not months. We'll be talking with hospice soon.

it's hard (especially with mother's day on sunday) but we're doing the best that we can. Our main goal is to make her comfortable and concentrate on "quality" of life, not "quantity"... and right now, she's short on both.

Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.

Thank you.

the kendermouse

rl, mom

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