I decided to do this as a movie trailer - much like my
musical entry from March, there isn't much of an effect if you don't hear it. Anyway, enjoy!
(Listen to the finished product, linked
Melvin Johanssen was a perfectly normal accountant. He lived a comfortable existence, in his little apartment, with his cat, Virginia, and his stamp
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Also, I am so glad I'm not the only nerd out there who makes movie trailers for personal amusement... XD If I knew how you did it, I might start posting my own little fun audio spots on my journal when I'm feelin' bored and dweeby. On that note, I think I'll do my edit... NOW.
You have a knack for the yuck-yucks, sir. I applaud your originality and the obvious amount of personal joy that was derived from this project. Some people take themselves a little too seriously. You seem to have adopted the exact opposite of that philosophy.
There is not much I can prod at in the way of negative criticism, all things considered in the realm of goofiness. However, I totally think this needs a visual aid to accompany it. LOL
Maybe, if we consider the possibility that an audio aid was not an option, you could have improved your delivery by finding some way to emphasize, in print, that Melvin talks like your typical four-eyes nerd. Other than that, I am USELESS if you want corrections of some sort!
I do have one question though... what the hell are ingots?
Maybe, if we consider the possibility that an audio aid was not an option, you could have improved your delivery by finding some way to emphasize, in print, that Melvin talks like your typical four-eyes nerd.
By this statement, I meant to point out that Horrifikov is given a definite way of speaking. I can hear plainly in my head, even without the aid of the recording, that he has a heavy (and quite comical) accent. It would have made this little yarn much funnier (by way of being more, er, 'resonating'?) if Melvin had been given the same assistance. Other than that, I saw no reason to rape your humor. :-)
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