Jul 01, 2006 15:45
The other evening 20/20 had a show about the blue and red battle. They showed a wealthy town in N.J. and one in bible belt Tejas. As a nation we really are showing what a second class education system produces. I got exposed to a liberal harpy who knows exactly what is good for the world and a bible pounding good ol' boy ready to send me straight to hell if I didn't vote a straight ticket.
I guess I am stupid because I've never seen the perfection of ideals that these folks experience. I keep looking for the gotchas and finding them without much effort.
The world is under control of myths. From both sides there is a mythical ethos that cannot be overcome by rational thought. The only thing I really learned in college was to question everything and that has stood me in good stead 98% of the time.
Not only are we dumbed down but the rest of the world is marching in step. Name the country or view and it is polarized.
I am 65 and see an end in sight. If the Good Witch Glenda showed up and offered to send me back to a healthy 19, I think I'd pass. Folks, I just don't envy the future.