The Purpose Of Life

Mar 09, 2011 00:46

With the name of the Lord, the Most Merciful and Gentle, He who is the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that is in between, peace be upon any readers of this simple piece of work.

Our lives are often filled with ups and downs. There are times that we may feel that over-joy or over-depress. There are times that we feel that the world has turned against us. Or perhaps we might be too sensitive and then start to think everything around us was not according to what we wanted them to be. However, there are times that we think the life that we're having at that moment was incredibly amazing and fun, but then we forget the consequences the fun may bring. In just a short time like a finger snap, things start to turn to the negative side of the life equilibrium. Then depression creeps in slowly, and we are lost again...

Why we tend to get lost sometimes? Although we know the direction in this physical world - knowing where London is on the map of the world. However, a calming path in the spiritual life is hard to get. Especially in times when we are so down, thinking that the world has come to its end. When our body and mind are filled with enormous pain, a pain that could not be seen by others or detected medically, what do we do? Who would help us if no body was unable to see such pain? How do we reduce it? By then we are lost souls again...

My university is conducting Islamic Awareness Week this week, and with a little twist of fate - although I was quite busy with my continuous work - I was able to attend a talk on the 'Purpose Of Life' by brother Ahmad Deen. However, first of all I would like to share this advertisement that I had found few months ago. I would like to add that the advertisement was created for the Thai Insurance. Please watch and listen carefully, and I would like to advice to prepare tissues if you're going to watch it.

image Click to view

I would like to highlight a few sentences stated in the video, "When we live our lives, a question often come up: Why were we born? What were  we born for?" and the doctor added, "Maybe those questions might not need to be answered. Instead, for whom do we live for?".

For whom do we live for? Look at the mirror and asked ourselves.

Truthfully, I did not pay attention to everything Ahmad Deen said, except for this particular line, "If you do not place Allah (the Mighty Lord) in your heart, something else might fill the emptiness in your heart." The 'something' he had mentioned is actually referring to the materialistic world. When we feel that we are almost lost and we fill the empty spaces within our hearts with 'worldly materials' such as money, games, alcohols, girls, boys, there would be a point that we think such materials are not enough to our satisfaction. Then, we are lost souls again and again...

For whom do we live for? It's NOT for WHAT do we live for!

The purpose of our lives is to live for the sake of the love of the Mighty Lord and His messengers, our mothers, our fathers, our families, our loyal companions, and the people. >Love the first two with all our hearts then you'd find a true peace and wisdom. Respect the third and the fourth among all people then you'd be respected and loved. Care for the fifth because without them you would not be you. Be loyal to the sixth then you'd earned a good life. And help the seventh for a better world tomorrow.

life, lesson

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