Wow, it only took me four months to post up a review of the first episode of season four. Please comment, it gives me motivation to write these and eventually post them up, I know that they are incredibly late and nobody cares anymore but any comment is much appreciated!
Because we have work for you. )
When I watched this first episode, I didn't know if Castiel would turn out to be a true angel, but I really wanted him to. I couldn't bear the thought of Dean being deceived, and being hurt again. So I'm all in where Castiel is concerned.
It was a joy to see our boys back together. I love watching them interact, and I think their friendship only enhances what we see onscreen. Jared does look even bigger this season! He takes my breath away. I am 100% sure neither Jared nor Tom is taking steroids (not that you were implying they were, but I've seen that speculation elsewhere as well). Jared seems way too smart to do anything that stupid, and Tom simply isn't that vain. I do think Tom has been working out, though. He is looking fine this season! Oops, wait, we're supposed to be talking about Supernatural, aren't we? :)
I don't know anything about if the boys are religious or not, but I have read that Jensen is from a very religious family. I think anyone would realize how sensitive a subject religion is, though, and would be nervous about alienating or polarizing their viewers. Especially on a show that struggles to find an audience like Supernatural. I wonder what they think of this season's arc?
That promo pic is amazing, isn't it? Some people have complained about Jared's hair (they say he's flat-ironing it?), but I love it. He looks so handsome this season! And Jensen is as beautiful as ever. BTW, there are rumors that some new promo pics for Smallville have been taken, but there hasn't been any confirmation of it yet. Keep your fingers crossed!
I liked Katie's Ruby, and I like the new Ruby just fine. But then I also liked Bela, and even Jo! LOL! I do agree that the new Ruby seems fundamentally different from Katie's Ruby. I don't know if that's just a different acting style, or if we're supposed to believe that either her time in hell or her time with Sam changed her somehow. And I think she's gorgeous, especially in some of the episode stills I've seen.
By the way, try not to get discouraged by a lack of comments at first. Go take a look back at my Smallville reviews when I first joined LJ at the beginning of S7. I didn't get a single comment until my eighth one! I'm still going to read and comment on your two Smallville reviews, but it's after midnight, and I have to get to bed. But you should see me back here soon! I hope school is going well, and that you'll have some time to come out and play. And I hope I will, too! :D
All three of the boys are massive. I know that you liked that scene where Jensen lifted up his shirt! That's the first time we've seen any skin from him since season 1 of Supernatural right? I find it awesome that Tom, Jared, and Jensen have all worked together in some capacity over the years. That's like a pretty overload. I can't believe I just said that but it's true. It would be awesome to have them all in one film...Misha Collins can have a cameo to make you happy.
Have you seen the recent Chicago Con videos on youtube? The boys look great and are as funny as ever. It never gets old, seriously. I love the question and answer sessions.
I also hope you will have time to come out and play, I think as long as I have you as a friend then I will have passion for LJ.
P.S: I haven't watched Bride for Smallville or Heaven and Hell for SPN, how sad am I?
I think it would be wonderful to see all my pretty boys (including Michael) in one film. I'd want it to be a comedy, though. And Misha is nowhere near their level in my estimation. My flist is way more crazy about him than I am. He is, however, my hottie angel on the side. :)
I haven't looked at any Con vids lately. I cringe at some of the questions, and the quality of the fan vids drives me crazy. I wish the Chicago Con would put out a DVD with some decent production values. I would buy that in a heartbeat. Mostly, though, I just don't have time to wade through all the bad vids to find the one that's watchable. I did watch one on YouTube of Jared's Q&A at the Aussie Con, though, and it was awesome (I think it was about 40 minutes long). I believe it was an official vid, but I'm not sure.
I decided not to post my reviews for the last two episodes of SPN until January, on the two Thursdays before the 15th. That way the flist can get pumped for the new episode. But you have to watch Bride!! It was amazing!! Go on, watch, and then read my review and tell me what you thought. But hey, no pressure. :D
You could watch all of her videos, they're pretty decent.
I wish they would come to Toronto someday.
I watched that video with Jared! It was pretty long but still good.
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