Feb 25, 2014 11:08
The NFL and it's silly rules have hit another all time low. I understand the rules that keep players safe. Don't hit a defenseless receiver below the knee, Don't hit the Quarter Back in the head. Totally get that, but, now a 15 yard penalty for using the "N" word! What is the penalty for the "F" bomb? Or, the other "F" Word? The game is getting really strange. I never would have considered it possible for a Football Player in the NFL filing a Bullying complaint. Just the thought of being that big and strong would give me God like powers. You have to be a little touched in the head to play that game. Guys 300 pounds running full sprint colliding into each other and bouncing back up giving high fives and screaming all sorts of garbage. Yes, you have to have a little crazy to play in the NFL. You just can't expect them to behave like gentlemen. Of course I'm not suggesting it's okay to say the "N" word nor am I suggesting that all players are thugs. And maybe they are not Crazy, just mentally tough. If the "N" word is that strong, why only a measly 15 yards? Suspend the guy for a game or two. If it's my favorite team and the call is made are you going to show me the replay?(Now that might be interesting). This is second to how our soldiers are told to act during war. Well....I take that back, nothing comes second to their sacrifice.