Nov 18, 2009 19:17
still didn't manage to get to the gym- that will be tomorrow for sure, and possibly a nice long walk while at work. i'm at the apartment so doing the whole weigh in isnt going to work, but thats okay. until dinner food wise i was relatively healthy- turkey sandwich and matzoh ball soup for lunch, one small piece of fudge that a coworker brought in, and wings for dinner. drinks equals water an a glass of wine. i'm trying hard to cut the soda and other crap out of my diet. tomorrow starts the lo- cal lunches though. my oatmeal only has 170 cal and it sticks with me, that and a yogurt should get me through til dinner. 1200 a day is all i need, and thats all i really eat most days anyway. gah, i feel lazy for not doing anything today, i might have to get up and go to the gym in the morning- its not like i have to get to work an hour early every day....