Nov 17, 2009 21:03
So i've neglected my lj for a while. there in some ways hasn't been that much going on and yet a lot going on in my life. needless to say my life has revolved around work more or less these past few months to the point where i've lost focus on one of my year goals- bettering my health. since the end of august really i've stopped exercising, stopped watching my diet, and have been stressing out the wazoo (i really hate biweekly panic attacks). needless to say today, the first truly quiet day in a very very long time, i stepped on the scale and was not impressed at what i saw. i'm back to square one on the loose the weight and get in shape deal. i've regressed 6 months, and needless to say i'm not a happy kennie. so i'm proposing this, as of now my lj is going to become a daily fitness journal. for those of you who read this to get and idea of whats going on in my life, twitter or a phone call is your better bet, for those who want to encourage me to meet my goal (size 10-12 by 11/11/11) i beg of you please do so. my goal is to get down two-three dress sizes in two years. now yes i know that that is a long time, but that would drop me 40lbs- basically an average of 20lbs in a year. i've been an athlete, i know what it takes and what i have to do, i just need the help and motivation to do it. i dont see why i cant get the body i had when i was 20 when i turn 25. i like my curves, and the love of my life likes my curves, but i want my strength and health back. motivation helps!
so to begin the lovely log i will start with today,
weight: 208lbs
breakfast: none
lunch: pizza (provided by the office) 930 calories
snack: 100 calorie yogurt
dinner: ravioli 350 calories
drinks: water 0 calories
Total calories: 1380
obviously pizza won in calorie count, which just means i need to eat fewer slices, but that will come with adding breakfast in.
exercise = no calories lost
this obviously needs to change, i need to increase my calorie burn to at least 500/day during actual workouts.
as soon as i can get a cloth measuring tape my measurements will also go up and will be tracked biweekly.
sorry guys this is boring, but i need it.
weight loss