The Chess Legacy - 2.4

Jun 07, 2010 21:14

Welcome back to the Chess Legacy! Last time Victor and Elizabeth aged up into children, Charlie became a toddler (and was unloved by me :( ), and little James was born! We left off with Melanie and Chris having some after-birthday woohoo!


After doing the nasty, Melanie decided to spend some quality time with James.

Melanie: Can you say inventor? Mommy wants you to grow up to invent things and make lots of money for us.

Ummm...okay. At least he can be potty trained. *glares at Charlie*

Slob sims suck. *grumbles at Elizabeth*

Melanie: A possibility of being pregnant makes up for the nasty toilet! *barf*

Wow. Victor and Elizabeth really do look alike. =D

Victor: Don’t conform to the homework! It’ll get you nowhere.

Elizabeth: Help me or shut up.

D’awww little James in the background… notice Charlie is nowhere to be seen. T_T

The sink broke and since the family didn’t have money to spend for a repairman, Melanie decided to fix it herself. It took her all afternoon and half the evening, but she did it!

Pop! Preggers with the 5th child! Melanie’s LTW is almost complete!

Birthday time! Chris is leaving his young adulthood! I didn’t realize he was so young. Usually the guys I make my sims marry are ooooold.

Elizabeth: Daddy’s old!

Victor: The cake! It’s mine!

Finally someone pays attention to Charlie!

Elizabeth: Peek-a-boo!!

Charlie: Someone lubs me!!!!

While Elizabeth was entertaining Charlie, Melanie taught James to walk. He was the quickest to learn out of the four kids.


Anyway, Elizabeth got the urge to start painting. I can’t tell what she’s trying to paint though.

Some much needed Charlie-loving! And wallpaper in the kitchen! They’re living the high life now!

The painting is complete! It’s… um… good.

Elizabeth: I suuuuuuck. I’m never painting again.

Elizabeth felt the need to complain about her lack of artistic ability to Victor. She seems to really like him now, which is weird because she was always glaring at him as a toddler.

Victor: Can I sleep now?

Out of all the kids, only James was born during the day. The others have all woken Melanie up, the jerks. Anyway, from spending money on the wallpaper, they didn’t have money to get a babysitter so they had the baby at home again.

Chris: Hun, I’m gonna go to the kitchen and make a sandwich. I’m starved and the whole labour thing is just… gross.

Melanie: You’re staying with me. *pain rage*

Melanie’s an old pro at this now. Chris on the other hand…

Chris: How are you not freaking out? Our baby is coming! You aren’t going to the hospital! And I am hungry!!

So I dropped the ball again and didn’t take any pictures. Melanie had a baby boy they named Travis. Four boys and one girl. Elizabeth is in for a fun ride.

James: James baby! No Travis!

Ahh jealousy. Gotta love it.

Everyone got tired of Elizabeth’s slobbyness so Chris began the task of making the toilet self-cleaning. He gave up halfway through and it never got completed. :(

Victor’s birthday! He invited a couple of his friends from school over for a party. The girl behind him is a possible wifey-poo but I can’t remember her name.

Awww yeah. Victor’s got the moves!

I swore I took a picture of him in his everyday clothes. Oh well. Victor’s lookin’ fierce! He rolled the flirty trait.

Victor: It’s my birthday!

Elizabeth: Good for you. *pat pat*

Patting the armpit? Wtf?

Elizabeth’s back to glaring at Victor…

And he is a cutie from this angle.


Melanie has had her 5 children and now just has to let them grow up! Yay! What’s up with Elizabeth? Will Victor’s flirtiness get him a girl or into trouble? Will Charlie continue to be ignored? Find out next time (on DragonBall Z)!


the sims 3, ea, computer game, legacy, generation 2, chess

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