Last time on the Chess legacy, Melanie popped out her third child, a boy they named Charlie, Elizabeth grew into a toddler and has some sort of hate towards her older brother Victor, and Chris’s sexual education was questioned.
With all the promotions Chris had been getting, the Chess family had enough in their funds to build a bigger house! It’s not the prettiest house since they ran out of money to decorate, but it’s bigger than their old shack.
Just before the rest of their house was demolished, Melanie decided to give Victor a small birthday party before they moved the rest of their things into the new house. And yes, that is a pregnancy nightgown. Baby number 4 is on the way!
Melanie: Make a wish, baby!
Victor: Cake, mine! *blows/spits out candle*
Melanie: Sparkles!
It’s a good thing you didn’t name him Edward! Hahaha!
Melanie: … I don’t get it.
Really? Edward? Cheap vampire rip off? Sparkles in the sunlight?
Melanie: *blank stare*
Read a book, woman.
Here’s Victor as a child, he’s still pretty cute! And he rolled the kleptomaniac trait. Uh oh, his toddler stage just made sense to me now.
Victor: I wonder if I get can get that dresser over there…
Victor is a cutie, I have to admit, and a little odd.
Victor: You are mine, cereal. I will eat you now so you have learned your lesson.
Chris decided to teach Elizabeth how to walk in the new baby room. She learned quickly, what a good girl.
It’s birthday time!! Little Charlie is about to become a toddler!
Oh shit.
Elizabeth: Oooh, fire! *giggle*
Go Chris!
Melanie: Omg, omg, omg, omg, omg. I am so turned on right now.
After replacing the counter and cake, Melanie decided to try and age up Charlie again. Victor made it home from school in time to join in on the celebration, too.
Victor: Yay! Birthday! Cake! It’s mine.
Chris: Honey, we don’t have enough money to get another counter. Don’t set anything on fire this time, okay?
And I’m a bad legacy writer. Out of all the children (past and future), I forgot to take any pictures of just Charlie by himself as a toddler… I don’t think I like him that much. XD
So after Charlie’s birthday, Chris picked up Elizabeth because it was time for her to become a child!!
Melanie: My babies are growing up!
Elizabeth: I has boogie.
Victor: Yeah, woo. Gimme cake.
Awww. Cute father/daughter moment here.
Elizabeth’s looking more like Melanie but a little more round in the jaw. She also rolled the slob trait. Sonofabitch.
Poor Melanie, she didn’t even get a chance to sit down and enjoy the cake before going into labour. She was really hungry, too.
Melanie: Oooooooh, I’ll never get used to this.
And if you notice in the background, Elizabeth already put her new slob trait to use. As punishment, Melanie will make her clean up her own mess.
Since they were really tight on funds, Chris didn’t call up the babysitter and Melanie had a baby boy they named James at home.
Chris: OH MY GOD THAT IS DISGUSTING! What the - why in the - how does that even FIT through there!?!
It’s pretty clear that Chris was never in the delivery room for Victor, Elizabeth, or Charlie’s birth.
Melanie and Chris simultaneously agreed that they would wait for a while to have the next baby, so no celebratory woohoo this time. Melanie put James down to have a nap and Chris decided to get started on Charlie and his walking.
Charlie is easily-impressed and grumpy and since there isn’t any wallpaper in his room, his moodlet is ALWAYS low. >:(
Victor told Melanie he needed help doing homework. It was going good until he actually asked for help on a question.
Melanie: Just put… 6. It’s 6.
Victor: Ma, this is English homework.
Melanie: School wasn’t this hard when I was your age.
Victor: *ignore*
Here’s a closer picture of Charlie. I didn’t even take the time to change his hair! D:
And I have never had a toddler that would refuse to be potty trained!
Potty training. Not so easy, akshully.
It’s birthday time yet again! This chapter seems to be all about the birthdays
Melanie: Christopher, just so ya know… After we’re done with the cake it’s baby making time.
Victor: Eww, ma. I'm right here, y'know.
D’awww isn’t James cute? He’s got his mother’s hair, eyes, and lips. <3
After-birthday woohoo!!
Daaayum. Chris must be doing something right. Look at Melanie’s hand going all ‘Rose and Jack having sex in the car’!
This chapter is a little longer than the others (yay) so I hope you enjoyed. It was also a little more tame with woohoo and the baby popping. Did the lullaby play after their after-birthday woohoo? Will they get enough money to paint the walls? Find out next time!