The Bates Family Legacy [6.1]

Jan 21, 2012 20:36

Hey, and welcome back! I just put out the last update, so we'll just proceed from there. :)
See you under the cut!

After Quinn graduated, I sent her and Aidan off to Egypt. I knew exactly who I wanted Quinn to meet there, and I thought I'd just have Aidan shop around.

Quinn's first stop was the doorstep of Youssef Nagi, Egypt's hottest male sim and a former spouse in my Barros legacy. I knew from experience that his genetics play out nicely, so I wanted him in the Bates family.

YOUSSEF: "Hey pretty lady, I'd like to show you a good time-"
QUINN: "Not so fast there, Romeo, I'm not that easy!"

I forgot that Youssef was flirty by nature, so when this happened I think I died laughing. This sets us back some...

Anyway, while Youssef and Quinn were trying to work our their fundamental differences, Aidan was on a wife hunt.

This was bachelorette number one. Granted, I didn't take a flattering photo of her, but I think not.

Meet Layla, bachelorette number two. (I can't remember her last name.)
This girl is The One. Look at how adorable she is!

Evidently Aidan agreed, because he and Layla hit it off pretty quickly.


Aidan liked it, and didn't waste any time putting a ring on it.

And since my game has been treating me nicely, I was able to move Layla into the house.

Meanwhile, Quinn and Youssef were taking it slow, and being friends first.

QUINN: "He was there one minute, you know just playing his guitar or his drums or flirting with Grandma, and then the next he was - *sob* - DEAD!"

YOUSSEF: "What have I gotten myself into?"

During this time, though, they actually became good enough friends that when Youssef autonomously flirted with Quinn (because he does that), she didn't get offended. And she actually engaged in autonomous flirting with Youssef, too! I couldn't believe it!

Meanwhile, Aidan and Layla had gone back to the base camp and I decided to give her a makeover while I didn't have anything better to do.

Remember how I mentioned that these stats pictures were about to get 10x more awesome? Did I mislead you? DID I?

Anyway, the name of her LTW always makes me laugh/cringe. But in other, semi-related news, Layla's a hippie.

So I dressed her like one. I've been looking for an excuse to use this super cute overall set from Pets, and now I have one!

Since they were already living in sin, Aidan and Layla decided to take advantage of that tent.

Okay, Mr. Paparazzi, there's a difference between conducting a stake-out and being sensationally creepy. You're so far past the line that the line is a dot to you!

The worst time to get caught by the paps: this is it.

Oh, shut up you bunch of bible-thumpers.

Meanwhile, at the Nagi commode, Quinn and Youssef finally had the romance going. It's been a slow courtship, but you know what they say: slow and steady wins the race.

New OTP. <3

Anyway, so I got them to the dating stage, and was going to move them in, but when I tried it wouldn't let me because Aidan accidentally got Layla pregnant. FUCK MY LIFE.

So, to compromise, Quinn and Youssef engaged in lusts of the flesh or whatever.
(Sorry for the antiquated language, I've been reading Jane Eyre.)


I believe this is called the I Just Got Laid Swagger.
Quinn, quite frankly, I expected more decency from you.

(That doesn't mean I didn't laugh, though.)

Anyway, after this point Aidan and Quinn's vacation was over. So I sent them home, and then I moved Saad out to make room for when Quinn invited Youssef as her foreign visitor and then asked him to move in.

Speaking of Saad, ARE YOU KIDDING ME, GAME?


Meanwhile, Aidan and Layla got married in the front hall.

(Charlotte's standing in behind them because she had a want to see Aidan get married so I made sure she saw it. She also cried over Terry's death all through the ceremony.)


That night the ghosts were out in full form. Doesn't Hank remind you of that "AWWW YEEEEAAH" meme guy?

Coolest. Shot. Ever.

AIDAN: "Let's go consummate that marriage!"
CHARLOTTE: "I can hear you, you know. I am your mother and I can hear you and I disapprove."


Seriously, Charlotte, get over it already. I have, and I was in love with him.

I feel like there was a reason for this photo, but I can't remember now.
Fan service?

Pregnancy: confirmed.

This is just to let you know that Youssef came to stay and then I moved him into the house, in lieu of all the photos I should have taken.

I was going to make an awesome stats page for Youssef, too, but I screen-shotted this instead. So in case you don't know the symbols, here's the down-low on Youssef:
He's artistic, charismatic, flirty, friendly, and lucky. And his LTW is to get to the top of the Political career track.

After Youssef got a sexy make-over, I sent him to the front of the house to share a special and beautiful moment with Quinn.

I will never not love the engagement sequence. I swear, 60% of my TS3 pictures are devoted to the engagement sequence.

Anyway, Youssef went to City Hall to jump-start his career in politics.

He was also the first person to take advantage of my cute little kitchen reading-nook. To brush up on his charisma, of course.

I have a theory about these two: either the game will continue to bring them together and separate them in an infinite loop, or they'll eventually get married. Because Benjamin is the only other "gay" sim in the neighbourhood (I say this because, in my game, until your sim kisses someone of the same sex they are treated as straight), Gavin has no other romantic partnering options so they'll be perpetually thrown together. I've debated making some gay sims to mix this up, but I can't be bothered. Ben doesn't have commitment issues, nor does Gavin, so I figure eventually they'll get together.

Oh Nora, you old creep you.

NORA: "Hey, Aidan, have you seen pictures of my grandchildren? They're pretty fabulous, you know. Here's Quinn and Saad, the youngest - twins, even though they don't look it - and there's Gavin...he's a weird one. And there's Aidan! Such a handsome young man!"

AIDAN: "Grandma, I'm your grandchild. You're going senile."

When your children's novel gets compared to "Commitment Issues," there's obviously a problem.

Pregnant belly! We are well on our way to generation 7!

Even with a dorky hat, he's the hottest sim in my game.

I hope so! I'm getting sick of all your relationship histrionics.

Meet Soraya (Soh-RY-ah), the first of the 7th generation spares! (And the only one I'm actually keeping in the legacy house.)

Also, could you tell I was going for "Middle Eastern" themed names? (I say "Middle Eastern" because I'm pretty sure Soraya is an Afghan name, as I heard it first in The Kite Runner, but I'm trying to give the kids of Aidan & Quinn Egypt-related names. I'm doing my best, okay!)

Anyway, I aged Soraya up and her looks surprised me. Where'd that hair come from?!! With two dark-haired parents, you would think she'd be dark-haired, too. Apparently not. But she looks quite a lot like Aidan, and is very cute.

Oh, get over it already. You're the one who wanted to toilet-train her!


I'm sorry, but the way Charlotte reacts at any and all funerals is hilarious. Her little worried face just cracks me up.

Wow, like father like son.
And like mother-in-law like daughter-in-law.

The worst possible audience to have when sending someone off to the afterlife: this is it.

Oddly enough, Soraya doesn't seem too affected.

Anyway, I had her dad help her learn to talk to take her mind off of it.


Poor Aidan; he's lost his two grandparents within days of each other, and he kept losing friends like crazy. He plunged into this depression because there were so many bad moodlets, and every time he would lose that "lost a friend" moodlet, I'd get 20 notifications that 20 other friends had ditched him, and he'd get depressed all over again. Augh it was the worst, most frustrating thing ever, and it went on for like 4 days straight.

Have you noticed how I've been strategically timing weddings after deaths? It's so that Charlotte, the designated Family Weeper, doesn't get too depressed.

Anyway, the point being, Quinn and Youssef got married in the front lobby with a very small audience of one (Charlotte, because she also wanted to see Quinn get married), and it was beautiful.

QUINN: "Hey, Mom? We'd kind of like to use your bed to have sex in. Can you get out?"

And so, on their wedding night, Quinn and Youssef conceived generation 7 while Charlotte wept, loudly and profusely, in the adjoining bathroom. (I wish I was kidding.)

I'd really like it if Youssef would continue to walk around the house in his underwear for the rest of his time as a young adult/adult. Because daaaaamn.

I can't get over how dissimilar these two look! They don't have the same colouring, the same hair, nothing!



Five seconds after Quinn "popped," Youssef rushed over to give her a massage. He may not have the family-oriented trait to prove it, but I believe he will be an excellent father.

I will never not take cute pictures of Josh on the bass.
Anyway, he was given an opportunity to make $500 in tips on the bass, and after hanging out in front of city hall ALL DAY he got nothing. The people in this town are dirt cheap!


I'm starting to think Soraya might look more like Layla than I initially anticipated.
Also, just wait until you see her full outfit. I gave her precious little cowgirl boots.

Oh, Youssef. Stop being so cute or I'm going to collapse at your feet.

Thankfully it's only Charlotte at this point.

Just thought this was super sweet: immediately after she aged, Josh went over and kissed Charlotte. Aw.

Anyway, after a makeover I think we can safely say Charlotte's still got it.
(I had so much fun with her outfit. She seemed like the kind of woman who'd appreciate a bright yellow skirt, and I liked pairing it with bright red shoes.)

So apparently the deceased can conveniently carry around laptops.
This is Hank, by the way. (He and Liang look a lot alike as ghosts.)


So I'd been hoping that Quinn and Youssef would have a boy so that I could name him Kamal (not only does it match with my theme, but it would be the same name I gave to Youssef and Addison Barros's child in my other legacy, and he turned out gorgeous). But instead, they had a girl and it threw my whole naming plan off because I didn't have a second girl name prepared. So meet Corrine Bates, the probable heiress.

Told you Youssef would be a good dad.


So yeah I aged Corrine up and she's got an awesome mix of her mom's facial structure (though her nose might be Youssef's) and her dad's colouring. It'll be nice not to half total whitebreads in the family for a change!


Alright, that's where I'll leave you for now! Hope you enjoyed this massively long update, and the one before it.
- Kelsey

soraya bates, quinn is gorgeous omg, aidan bates, youssef nagi, josh you are so sexy, ts3, quinn bates, charlotte you are so cute omg, stop crying charlotte, never leave me josh, ts3 pets, gavin bates, layla bates, josh bates, aidan you are too sexy omg, charlotte dubois, nora bates, the bates family legacy, saad bates, corrine bates

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