The Cinema W.Y.D.C: Babies A-C

Aug 02, 2010 19:04

So I've been watching the baby challenges of julessims and imxplosion and decided that I'd like to do one of my own. However, my challenge has to be completed in approximately twenty-seven days, because I leave for university on the 29th of August (and I'm leaving my sims at home, because they're on my Windows and my laptop is a Mac). So three cheers for time constraints!

Our lovely founder (see picture) is named Thea Cinema (like The(a) Cinema; I'm so ~clever), because the challenge is movie-themed. Thea is a romance sim with a secondary aspiration of family (the typical aspirations of a WYDC founder). She has an LTW to Woohoo twenty different sims, and her personality is 1/6/5/7/6. Her primary hobby is nature. Thea is turned on by fitness and glasses, and turned off by unemployment.

As mentioned above, the challenge is movie-themed - all the babies will be named after actors or actresses from the big screen, but with an alphabet twist: Thea will have twenty-six babies, one for each letter of the alphabet. Does that make sense? I hope so!

Oh, and here are a few things you should know about me:
- I'm not playing with any challenge rules in place (or else it wouldn't be as fun for me)
- I'm boolpropping the pregnancies to make sure I finish on time
- I have a habit of aging babies up into toddlers way before their regularly scheduled birthday. Because babies are boring sometimes :P

Anyway, without further ado, enjoy the challenge!

Thea jumped right into the challenge when the typical bandwagon arrived to welcome her to the neighbourhood. Out of the three AL townies that showed up (which made me realize I hadn't created the universities/downtown/Bluewater village/vacation spots, and prompted me to do so), Jace Macarevich was the only male. So, despite the fact that his nose scares the crap out of me, he's Thea's first victim lover.

Jace: BOOBS!

...And we're off to a good start!

Thea spent the whole day working up her relationship with Jace, and by sundown they were in love - and I actually managed to capture the love-heart picture (rarely happens, because I play in super-speed mode).

Why is Jace being so creepy? Look at his eyes!

As soon as I saw the love-hearts, I sent them right upstairs to do what comes natural.

I've been really tryin', babyTryin' to hold back this feelin' for so long
And if you feel like I feel, baby
Then come on, oh, come on
Whoo, let's get it on
Ah, babe, let's get it on
Let's love, baby
Let's get it on, sugar
Let's get it on

Just thought I'd set the mood with a ~sexy song. Because most movies have some kind of song playing for their sexy scenes ;]

This is why CC beds suck: there are some things I just didn't need to see!

However, to contrast, this is why CC beds are awesome. So cute! :]

Obligatory vomittake photo. Thea is with child.

Thea spent her entire pregnancy in her jammies because, for some reason, my game doesn't like her pretty CC braid when she's pregnant: Thea got these really God-awful stuck-to-her-head braids when she popped for the first time, so I take it that it doesn't work with pregnancy for whatever reason.

Woo for baby-time! PS: nice digs, huh? xD

TWINS! Welcome to the world babies America and Blake Cinema. America was named after America Ferrera, who has starred in The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, and Blake is named after Blake Lively, who also starred in the same movie.

Anyone who was on Twitter with me last night will know that I originally named the twins Angelina (Jolie) and Betty (White), but shortly after naming them I realized I liked America and Blake better as actresses, so I changed their names with boolprop!

Just thought I'd throw in a cute photo of Thea to let you all know that she's a good mom and takes care of her kids even though she has other commitments (seducing mass numbers of men).

Speaking of men, it really is incredibly difficult to get some flirting-time in, now that the twins are around. Thea had to suffice with some witty banter over the phone for a while.

Don't know where my second birthday picture went, but suffice it to say that it's birthday time! I can't wait to see how America and Blake turned out.

Aw, what cuties! America is on the left, by the way, and Blake is on the right. And I know I'm not supposed to choose favourites, but I love Blake so much more; I think it's the nose. America got her father's scary schnoz!

Blake is not a gentle child ;]

Toddler training with these two is like a nightmare! While one is getting trained, the other one is crawling around, playing in the toilet or sneaking outside. I need eyes in the back of my head for these two: they're so precocious!

This, right here, is why I hate twins. I love the two of them, don't get me wrong, but when they're whining and screaming and being needy in unison... God help me!

You can't see his face, but meet Thea's next conquest: his name is Simon Miller, and he's a college dormie. Decent genes, too, and a non-scary nose!

Aww, cute kiss! I'm a sucker for romantic shots - and also this shot in particular, because it turned out really nice with all the fall colours.

I don't think I even want to know.

It took a while, but we finally got love hearts from Simon.

This, of course, would be the time when the twins both needed to be taken care of (picture does not accurately reflect caption, because I forgot to take a picture... but this legitimately happened. I remember it vividly). So I had to send Simon home for a few hours because I hate it when townies wander around inside my house and eat my food and watch my television. It's inconsiderate!

Hours later they did get around to procreating, though. I also forgot to get that picture.

When I get that feelin' I want sexual healin'Sexual healin' oh baby
Makes me feel so fine
Helps to relieve my mind
Sexual healin' baby is good for us

Since Thea has two kids, with a third on the way, and none are school-aged, I had her quit her job (she was a record store clerk for a short period of time, which I believe I forgot to mention because I fail at life). I could hire a nanny, but I just hate nannies so much. So until the kids are old enough to take care of themselves/each other, Thea can be a stay at home mom; she has enough money, anyway.

Potty-training faces: just for you, Jules!

This was what I was taking about, concerning the horrible braids. But, considering that she'll only be pregnant for about another two hours (thank you, boolprop), I'll just leave Thea as-is for now!

I just thought I'd throw in some cute America and Blake spam to make it seem like Thea was pregnant longer than she actually was.

Baby time!

Alright, welcome to the world Cameron Cinema! Cameron was named after Cameron Diaz, who starred in such movies as Knight and Day and Charlie's Angels! And let's have three cheers for genetic diversity: Cam got her father's green eyes and blonde hair (unlike her older sisters, who were pure Thea).

More cute parent!spam, because it's necessary :D

Double birthday tonight: I can't believe how fast this challenge is going. These photos have added up to about a sim week in my game (all of which I played between last night and this morning). Anyway, apologies that there's more pictures of Blake than America - she's just cuter, and I shamelessly pick favourites. xD

Glitched birthdays for the win?

Anyway, here are the twins all child-ified. If you weren't sure, America is on the left and Blake is on the right! America grew up better than I actually expected (the schnoz isn't too horrible on her), and Blake is as cute as always! She's definitely a carbon-copy of her mother.

And this is where I'll leave you for now! Oh and, for the record, if you want to help me name the babies it would be much appreciated. If you can think of any actors or actresses for letters D through to Z, please let me know.

I apologize for the blurry photos (which I just noticed now). The HTML gave me the option of making them bigger and I was like WHEE! I might just go with the super-small photos next time, because at least they come out clearer.

And now I'm done for real. Hope you enjoyed! :)
- Kelsey

picspam, movie-themed challenge, alphabet challenge, the cinema wydc, thea cinema

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