TLOM Picspammage!

Jul 28, 2010 13:04

I've been meaning to do this for a while, and just finally got around to it. So here's some picspam from my finished legacy, to show you what I started with, the spouses, and what I ended up with!

This is my founder, also known as my simself, who I named Kelsey Pinkshoe (if you're wondering, this would be where my username came from :P).

Kelsey married Garrett Raymond, a bartender who she met at the Crypt O'Nite club, because he was just so darn cute!

Kelsey and Garrett had three kids: Radley, Ryleigh, and Lucy (pictured in that order). I thought Radley would be heir at first, because I was pretty much in love with him, but then ended up changing my mind.

Right from the get-go I'd been a little iffy about how Ryleigh looked, but then she ended up being totally gorgeous (and so much fun to play), so I let her take over instead of her brother.

I had a lot of trouble finding Ryleigh a spouse that I liked (I was on a man-hunt for the blonde haired downtownie with the green shades, but never found him) but when I sent the Pinkshoes on vacation to Takemizu Village, she met Nicholas Barthelet, and I loved them together. Best decision I've ever made - these two were my favourite couple :D

Ryleigh and Nick had four children (though it was only supposed to be three). Elise was born first, then Abigail, and then the twins Iris and Isabella (in that order). I really liked Elise for heiress at first, but decided on Abigail.

So. I promise I'm not a crazy rabid Twilight fangirl, but I found a R.Patts simself on the exchange and was like "can't resist putting him in my game!" So he married into the Pinkshoe family and I mocked him shamelessly for the entire legacy xD.

When Astrid, Renesmee (a joke name, I assure you), and Kamilah (pictured in that order) were born, I just about wanted to cry. However, after they turned into children they became much more attractive - and, irony of ironies, Ness was the one I wanted for heiress. So I had to live with that stupid name for the rest of the legacy! 
Lesson learned: never jokingly name possible heir(esse)s, even if the idea is ridiculously tempting.

I wasn't able to find a photo of the three girls to prove how attractive they turned out, but here's one of Ness on her wedding day. She married Tyler Lim - you know, the really cute college guy? He has the little mohawk and the nerd sweater. Totally adorable :D

Ness and Tyler had Keiran, who was a total carbon copy of his father - but I didn't have any more space in the house to have another kid, and I didn't really mind that much, either. Keiran was just so adorabubble.

Keiran was a bit of a womanizer, though not because he was a romance sim, or anything like that. When he was a teen he had a playable-sim for a girlfriend (Estella Carmichael), and I ended up loving them together so much that I had him temporarily marry Dagmar the mail-woman (to get a legitimate townie-and-Pinkshoe-bred heir(ess)), divorce her, and then marry Estella so they could be together forever :] 
Side note: if you couldn't tell, Keiran and Estella were one of my favourite legacy couples!

As a result, Keiran had two daughters: Naomi and Lucy (I'd like to take a moment to note that I fail at life - I am, in fact, aware that I have a generation 2 spare named Lucy, but totally forgot at the time). Anyway, Naomi (left) was the daughter of Keiran and Dagmar, and thus took over the legacy. Lucy (right) enjoyed a life as the spare :]

When the girls were teens I had the Pinkshoes take a trip to Twikki Island for a vacation, where Naomi met Jim Reeves, the sexy hula man. I originally had a different spouse in mind for her, but I decided I liked Jim better. Oh, and this picture was taken when she was in college, by the way. She invited him for one of those handy-dandy three-day stays.

Cute wedding spam: because it's necessary :D

Naomi and Jim had two children: Charlotte and Carter (pictured in that order, obviously). While Charlotte was really cute, I chose Carter because he was a better mix of his parents, and because he had the Y-chromosome. If you haven't noticed yet, I had a lot of girls in my legacy and barely any boys.

With Carter, I tried my hand at ~~plot to keep the legacy interesting for me. Since he was a pleasure sim, and his LTW was to earn 50 dream dates, he spent his time trying to get the best date possible without really getting to know the women he was seeing. And, close to the end of his time at college, he abruptly proposed to his very short-term girlfriend, Jaiden Sartor (she's the NL cowgirl townie), without even really knowing her. Consequently, he didn't know the most important thing about her: she never wanted children. Oh, and he didn't find out until she was pregnant. ~~~Dramaz!

The birth of Ellis Pinkshoe, the generation eight heiress, drove Carter and Jaiden apart and she divorced him, told him she wanted nothing to do with Ellis, and fled the Pinkshoe house, leaving Carter to be a single father. 
PS: Ellis is my favourite legacy heir/heiress. Seriously. You'll see why in the coming pictures.

Back to Carter, he ended up meeting Lumi (the simself of one of my exchange simmer friends), and they fell madly in love. Cute! 
Side note: Carter and Lumi were one of my favourite couples.

Carter and Lumi had one daughter who I named Gemma. Even though she was really cute, I liked Ellis better - not to mention that she was a legitimate heiress, whereas Gemma was playable character-and-Pinkshoe bred.

When Ellis and Gemma went to college I tried my hand at more ~~plots, for fun, and thought I'd mention this one specifically. I'd never written about a same sex couple before, and was particularly proud of Gemma and her beloved (Bridget). That, and they're just adorable together! They made really cute kids, too (boolprop, obviously).

Ellis met Merlin Mace in college (his name really upsets me, but I digress), and they ended up together. And see what I mean about Ellis being my favourite? She's such a unique looking sim! Probably the most unique I've had in my entire game.

More wedding spam, because it's so cute.

Ellis and Merlin had twin boys (and I nearly cried from being so happy) who I named Jewel and Delaney. Ellis is holding Jewel, and Merlin's holding Delaney. While Jewel is the cuter of the two, and Delaney has a Pinnochio nose (it looks like he lied in abundance, seriously), I took a chance on Del as the heir because he had the Pinkshoe skin tone :]

In college Delaney met Willow Menon and I just thought she was totally adorable, so I decided she'd be the generation nine spouse. 
First kiss spam because it's as necessary as wedding spam!

Speaking of wedding spam, here's some more! They're such an adorable couple, and Willow looked even nicer with her make-over. 
PS: see what I mean about Delaney's nose?

Given Delaney's face (which I really wasn't happy with), I didn't expect much from my generation ten heir, but then Tenley was born and blew all my expectations out of the water. He did, in fact, get Delaney's nose, but it seems to work much better on him. Anyway, Tenley Pinkshoe made me so happy I squeed!

And that concludes the TLOM picspam! :]

- Kelsey

picspam, the legacy of me

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