Sep 11, 2007 16:54
Ok,so,I told him. Through a letter though. I wrote it during first period and planned on giving it to him during second period so he could give me his reply sooner. Well, I kind of waited too long so I didn't give it to him. My friend was waiting outside my class,because I told her what I was going to do so she wanted to hear what he said. I told her I didn't give him the letter so she took it out of my hands and gave it to him. I had to try to avoid him all fucking day. Not fun. I'll have to face him tomorrow though because of having second period together. I'm scared shitless right now. And to think I was nervous and anxious today,well,it's only going to get worse tomorrow! Aaack! I.Am.Freaking.Out. I'm terrible with this shit. 'Tis why I always keep my feelings to myself!
So,that is all for today,I shall up date tomorrow if I hear anything.