Yeah, I guess I spend far more time on Facebook and Twitter than I do on here these days. My content is continual tho my long free thought is, well, obviously, truncated.
A lot has been happening in "life" as of late.
Started a new job at one of the top national media companies in Canada: Astral Media. I will write another "friends only" post on that one sometimes soon. I will say this much: WOW. I'm loving it. Really loving it. My last job sucked such massive donkey balls it was like a horribly bad emotionally abusive relationship that when it ended I never thought I'd "love" again so to speak. I thought that they had beaten me down so badly and made me doubt myself so much that my getting-shit-done mojo had suffered in an irreversable manner. Well, I've met myself a "new guy" and its amazing what that can do for inspiration.
So. Yeah. I work with some really solid people. Snapshot: teasing a coworker who did extensive work with Fergie by turning up all of our office's computers full blast with "Big Girls Don' t Cry" and dancing through the studio to taunt him.
As I talk about "my life" to people I just meet... i do begin to realize how much of a "non normal" path I've taken. I've done some pretty damn cool things and must take the time to embrace and remember that whenever I get frustrated or down on myself - lost or confused.
I've kept up with the hiking too. Nearing the 300km since July 1st along the Bruce Trail.