Tumor Update

May 17, 2008 13:07

Yesterday Dad's memory loss got a little scary-- it's like watching an entire course of alzheimer's unfold in one week-- but this morning, either because of sleep or simply lying down, he was a bit better (though not better than the day before).

I may have panicked a little-- I was worried that with such a rapid decline we might not have had the time to get all our paperwork (e.g. health proxy forms) signed. Fortunately I found a good Notary Public that was still open at 5:30pm on a Friday, and Dad was still with it enough to sign papers.

Today he forgot I'm his daughter, though I suspect he just forgot the word for daughter, and not the concept itself. But he remembers words he couldn't say yesterday (e.g. "gas gauge"-- yesterday it was "what time is it on this clock?") and some simple tasks he couldn't do yesterday (e.g. answer the phone).

Today we've been trying to figure out what bills get paid when, and all that other daily administrative stuff that I'll be taking over. It's hard because Dad does a lot of that online and the computer is where he has the most cognitive problems.

My dad's senior brother is flying in from Israel on Friday afternoon. That'll be a good help. Right now I'm printing out maps to/from key locations (grocery, pharmacy, hospital, etc.).

Dad's friends have been offering support (one just dropped off a bed-rail thingy to make it easier to get up). My friends have been offering support. Mom's been checking in. Steve's wonderful. Hillary's been a fantastic sounding board. I really do appreciate it. It's hard to know what to ask for help with, but it's good to know that I can.

I'm less nervous now, and certainly a lot less tired after crashing at 7 last night, but there's still the biggest hurdle-- recovery from brain surgery. Who knows.

If anyone has any ideas of what else I need to take care of now before the surgery I'd appreciate any insight.


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