Making a plan

Jan 22, 2013 10:31

You may recall that more than a year went by with me barely blogging, thanks in part to massive upheaval in my personal life. (Pretty much all for the good too - I mean, I'm really in the best relationship I've ever had now, and I'm happy most of the time, which is pretty darned great. But I digress.) And then, on December 20, 2012, I decided to start blogging regularly again, in hopes that it might help me start writing regularly again, too.

And it seems like it's starting to work. I have not put up a blog post every single day since December 20th, but I've come rather close. And the decision to find my way back to writing daily - by which I mean writing poems and/or stories - by writing blog posts daily seems to be working.

I've started thinking about some new projects, and have written a poem that I happen to like a lot. Plus I've been working on two new picture book projects.

And I've started thinking about finding my way back into that young adult romance novel I sort of abandoned when life got hectic. The one that is 5 chapters from being done, and involves me writing original songs, too.

Turns out that sometimes, it's as simple as making a plan. Making a plan to blog every day, or to sit down for at least half an hour to write. Or both. And yeah, the planning sounds simple, even if the execution isn't always easy, or even possible. But it's worth trying.

How's your writing going?

writing, thoughts

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