"Who can be in doubt of what followed?"
Indeed. The marriage of Anne and Wentworth is green-lighted with something akin to pleasure by Sir Walter, Lady Russell comes around (since Anne's happiness is more important to her than anything else), and Mr. Elliot skives off with, as it turns out, Mrs. Clay, whom he's been seducing as a means of keeping her away from Sir Walter. And finally, Captain Wentworth helps Mrs. Smith get her money from the West Indies and she proves an excellent friend to the married couple as well.
Truly, I've got little to say about this chapter, which is more of a tucking-in of loose ends than anything else. Tomorrow, we'll talk about the rejected ending of Persuasion, which involved a different set-up for getting Captain Wentworth and Anne Elliot together - one which the producers of movies seem unable to keep away from, even though they ought not tread near it, since it was jettisoned by its author.
Back to Chapter Twenty-Three