1. Make and can hot pepper jelly. You know, to use up the remaining jalapeños and green peppers from
my farmers' market run on Saturday. I'll be using my mother's recipe, which is written in a completely wack sort of way. No, really:
1/2 cup hot red peppers
1 1/2 Cup green sweet peppers
Grind and strain
Add to 6 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 Cup vinegar
Boil three minutes, add 1 bottle Certo
Boil one minute
Place in jars - give water bath
Wish me luck.
2. Make and can mango chutney. To use up mangoes, ginger, long hot peppers, etc. from aforementioned farmers' market run on Saturday.
3. Somehow do 1 & 2 while sitting down and/or resting as much as possible, since I'm tired from
yesterday's magically fun trip to Hooray for Books! in Alexandria, VA. Pictures can be found at
Anne Marie's blog. 4. Work on the Jane project. Now one hundred twenty-three poems and counting, after yesterday morning's writing session (before I left for Alexandria).
5. Figure out how to actually talk about All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon, illustrated by Marla Frazee. I bought my copy on Saturday, and remain gobsmacked. I'm stuck repeating phrases like "Damn!" and "Oh. My. God." It is a work of epic beauty inside a picture book package. And it was heavily buzzed by everyone present at Kristy's signing yesterday. I will think on that during the chopping, cooking, canning process.