
Jan 27, 2005 22:05

So, this semester is really going to blow. No, really, it is. On Monday and Wednesday, I have class from 11am to 8:40pm with only two one-hour breaks in there. Then Tuesday I have class at 11am, tutoring from 2pm to 3:30pm and then a class from 7pm to 9:40pm. At least I have only have one class on Thursday (I also tutor from 2pm to 3:30pm) and two hours of class on Friday. To top it all off, I'm not taking a single class that I find interesting. Oceanography is alright, but my highest-level class, Mammalogy, is supposed to be the one that I enjoy. I would much rather take marine invertebrates, but I'd have to wait until Fall and I'd rather get my 500 level class over with, y'know?

Enough about school!! Well, this part of school cause that's boring. I'm grappling with a difficult decision: what to do about next semester. I know, I know, I'm not even finished with the first week of this one, but oh well, I'm still thinking ahead. See, I've always wanted to study abroad. When I was a freshman, I was determined to spend at least one semester away from the US. Now, my good buddy Maureen is in Ireland and it sounds INCREDIBLE and I want to go away from here for a while. Dilemma: I'm trying to weigh what I'm going to miss here and what I'm going to gain over there. See, if I leave for Fall semester, I'll definitely have to take some summer classes so that I'll graduate on time, I'll miss out on my last year of Circle K and I can't be on Exec board (I'm thinking of being secretary), I'll be gone for sorority rush and won't get a little sis (thus the end of the Tiger family . . . sad) and my 21st birthday would be spent in a country that has a lower drinking age . . . It's tough, y'know? I mean, I do enjoy my extracurricular activities and I'll miss out on some good moments, but honestly, it's not like I have a whole group of friends here that I would miss. Just Mike . . . my only friend. (inside joke) But I also have so much to gain from studying abroad. I'd definitely go to Australia (I don't think I could handle Britain's weather) and there I could meet so many new people, broaden my horizons, and do some exploring! So, I've been trying to decide on what to do.

Oh! And another thing I've been thinking about . .. I think I want another tattoo. But I want it to say "Life is good" being as that has been a motto of mine since forever. Granted, it's not witty or anything, but it's something I've always said and enjoy believing in. Anyway, so now I don't know what language I want it in. In high school Qing wrote it for me in Chinese, which is really pretty, but c'mon, I'm not exactly Asian-oriented (HAHAHA!!! I'm so punny . .. get it? Asian? Oriented? God I crack myself up.) So I thought about translating it into Elvish, but that's way too nerdy for me. So, I'm guessing just English in some kind of awesome font. Now, the next decision is where to put it. I already have one on my hip, and I want to be able to see it, so I was thinking about my ankle. But that might be a bad place if I ever have to be professional and I wear shoes that show my ankle . . . any ideas? Eh, I'm just speculating. It'd have to be really small. Anyway.

So those are my trials and tribulations at the moment. I hope ya'll are enjoying your lives and living them to the fullest. :)
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