Today was fun... Spent the morning lightly snoozing, woke up around eleven. The next four hours or so were spent browsing merlin/arthur fanfics, a fandom I have only recently joined (ABSURDLY LATE YES I KNOW) but am fast becoming addicted to. If it seems I've been online a lot less recently, it's because about 90% of my internet time has been spent perusing the fanfic archives of above pairing. It's been like, two weeks and I've already gone through all the kink me! Merlin threads, yes all 8 of them, and gone through three months of fic entry's on the Merlinxarthur community.
Prat is now my favourite word. XD
My aunts came over at about three in the afternoon. We went to get groceries for dinner, and ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. I wanted to make the same cookies as Tygati did for Christmas, but I couldn't think of any substitutes for chocolate pudding mix... So I made
these cookies instead, only with mini chocolate chips instead of the normal ones and with a cup of mint chips courtesy of Tygati. By hand, since I didn't have any electric mixers. At the end bit, stirring in the chocolate chips, the whole thing felt like I was mixing GRAVELLY CEMENT. Lol, maybe it was just my long unused arm muscles protesting. XD
I am currently in cookie heaven. I only made about 16 large cookies and have about 2/3rds of the batter in balls, in the freezer for another day. I suspect it will be soon, another friend of mine is back from Australia and we almost always have sleepovers when she gets back... Also, I will run out of cookies soon as one of my aunts took 8 home(my other aunt is one of those people who obsess over health and declined to take some back), we each had one earlier and my grandfather had one too, so there are only four left now...
Er... three, ate one while I snapped a pic... :P
Also, my aunt made braised soya sauce duck, we practically polished of the whole bird, it was sooooo good! :D I must remember to get her recipe next time I see her...