Dec 28, 2004 01:35
I dont know what to think.... They say writing is good for the soul...but what happens when people don't wanna see who you are....or who you were. Everything that has happened in my life has made me the person I am...even if those things are still present in my life. I know that what I have now is what I want for the rest of my life. I don't question that, ever. I just can't do the long distance fighting... It makes me so sad and I can't get over it because I don't have the reassuring face to face contact. It's like one fight flows into the next without a sense of closure. I'm lonely here and my one person to turn to for that gets upset with me for things I can't change. It's not his's no one's fault... I guess I can blame the distance... I need a hug. I need a shoulder. I need to know that things are ok. I need Collin.