Jan 31, 2013 10:02
Christmas in Burnley
Christmas was good: the drives in the driving (oh dear) rain weren't too bad, and there were some spectacular waterfalls in the Peaks. Nothing much to report: it was simply a nice relaxing time.
Post-Christmas and New Year
Jacques came to visit an help out with painting etc. We actually finished it this time (although a week later ;P) so, now we've had the chimney swept too, we can move all the furniture and things in and decide where we really want things, and box off the electric meter, and get a TV aerial coming through... Well, maybe there's still a lot to do (who am I kidding, there's TONS!). We also went gaming over New Year and that was fun :D
Neil also arrived for a few days and there was lots of gaming. It was a really good time.
January: work
It was back to work after Neil's visit and straight into the full flow of things. It's very strange not being responsible for the general admin., as that's something I've always done, but just for my own projects: I look after the Trials' websites and scans for the TARDIS trial.
January: play
Oh my, it's been such a grind with all these horses! I've got 15 horses to build and paint for my Warmachine Khador army, by mid-March (Student Nationals). It's not looking good: the riders for 8 of them are REALLY HARD to stick together, and even when I do it's not quite right :S There are also 2 'robots': one is almost finished (painted) and the other is metal and in about 20 bits. Not impressed. Still, now I'm doing both building and painting I feel a bit better about it; just building was doing me in! I've used A LOT of greenstuff.
I've not taken much time out to do other things, but I have been to Leicester to the National Space Centre which was AWESOME!
Looking ahead
Well, it's Nationals mid-March, and the LARP weekend early March, so I need to organise my time around those. I'm not signing up to any games on Thursdays because I need the time to paint and stuff. This will probably also preclude my attendance at SFFAS, as they watch films in the dark. I will be attending Tuesdays and Sundays to paint, but I might not go to Thursdays after this week. We'll see.
My friends in Leicester are moving to near-Oxford for his work: I'm helping them move because they're looking to buy a house, so I'm trying to give helpful advice and support!
That's all I can think of now. I'm going to move Macs so I can upload some scans: my Mac is too new and Java7 breaks the uploader, so it's just easier to use someone else's!
Sahha ohrain.