I'm currently 'listening again' to a radio programme I missed yesterday: I heard about it as I was driving down to Leicester to visit
lil_gothic_me_2 and it's Ian Livingstone talking about his life and work in games, notably Fighting Fantasy (my first experience of roleplaying) and Games Workshop. You can listen
here, and he starts about 46mins in.
So, yesterday I had a really good day: I met Tabi in Sainsbury's Fosse Park and we did some shopping and had lunch in the café. Then we went home, did some baking and attempted to fix the washing line (we didn't manage to: we need a ladder!) before Kevin got delivered home with the new TV with his workmate. We all had dinner together, which Tabi and I cooked while the males did 'man things' (me and James discussed how this was rather a role-reversal for us!). We had variously-topped pizzas which were really nice: we made the pizza dough out of the packet and chucked tomato sauce, three types of cheese and meat as well as some onion, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms. There were also peppers which I picked off ;)
Also, while we were in Sainsbury's faffing at the deli counter, I noticed they're selling curd cheese! It's not the exact same as the more solid quark you get abroad (call it topfen or творог or whatever you like) because it's creamier, but it's quite similar and pretty damn yummy! In relation to this, I also bought a bar-type quark strudel from Lidl for only 99p which is currently sitting in the freezer waiting to be devoured! That might be tonight's pudding after stir-fry.
Saturday we watched District 9 at Savoy: I really enjoyed it because it was a very intellectual film but with the added excitement which Matt summed up perfectly at the end: 'I could watch people being exploded by alien weapons all day.' :D Sunday I gave Neil his finished Shadows over Camelot miniatures: in his words, they're 'fantastic', and everyone else was really impressed with what are, essentially, some second-rate soft-ish plastic miniatures I didn't bother cleaning the mould lines off because it would be far too hard and not worth it for things which live in a box. And Neil kindly offered to repay my paint and varnish expenses, so I said £5 would cover it :) And, another example of just how damn good I am (yeah, this was never going to be a modest post!) was what I received in the post yesterday: a certificate from Nottingham in Bloom telling me that I'd won a Bronze in the Student Homes category! Clearly I rock...
I should also mention that I had a look at Jupiter through my binoculars the other night and saw at least one of its moons, which really really pleased me :)
I've been collecting things together for my holiday: charging my camera batteries, finding my euros from Ireland and washing clothes in preparation. I also need to water the plants, remove all my perishables from the house (and down to my parents') and actually pack properly. I've checked up on BA how much my baggage allowance is and whether or not I get lunch on the plane: it looks like no, so I'll need to pop to Co-Op on Friday to pick up a sausage roll or something for the journey. I'm really looking forward to it and I've received all my booked euros in the post as well as the tour itinerary and guide book :D I get to meet my German roommate in Madrid so I'm hoping she's nice!
This will likely be my last entry before I leave for Spain, so hasta luego!
Sahha ohrain.