My University course is getting in the way. I've had a great epiphany regarding LARP and now all I want to do is write and run stuff. This comes after a discussion Matt and Neil were having as we walked back from Tabi's on Saturday night.
I was party to the discussion, but was certainly having my own thoughts on the subject (not particularly controversial in the given company, either): it basically involved the lack of preparation Peter has been able to do, among other things, and what to do about it. While this is his fault very little organised plot got done before this week's LARP, it is by no means avoidable because he does have a lot of work to do, and we understand that, and it's not like anyone else has time either. There was talk of having a LARP Representative and a LARP Games Master as two separate entities, one as a committee position and one just doing all the hard work and none of the talking. Basically like what happened two years ago when I was running but Jason was nominally in charge, and to a great extent last year when about a million people clubbed in (or so I believe, I got so horribly confused it was one of the reasons I gave it up temporarily). There was talk of how great it would be if someone had the time to sit down, make a world that worked for LARP (most really don't for such a small-scale one, Peter's is a pretty good shot) and properly flesh it out, like really anally retentive obsessive SATT DMs ;P I was thinking about it last night, and wondering if I could come up with a world I a.) like and b.) works for LARP. Then it hit me:
Balaia. Well why the hell not? Most of the work's been done already (by the author, James Barclay) and it fits rather well into our system. And being as we're not-for-profit and readily willing to credit the real author, I don't see why we can't use it. I had already wanted to use it as inspiration for a SATT world, but it works so well for LARP straight-out-of-the-box!
Just one problem: I have no time to plot, scheme or otherwise get more involved than I already am at LARP. I'm hideously wanting to get re-involved and at least run one or two sessions as an aside to the plot, but I just don't have time to organise them. Maybe one during the last two weeks of term would be possible...? We'll see.
It's also getting in the way of Hobbyists' Sessions annoyingly. This week I've not done anything remotely related to gaming (I got to LARP and decided something wasn't right after 10mins of sitting doing nothing (not unusual in itself): I think it was something to do with a complete lack of organisation, forward thinking and planning, and not just in a today's-plot sense) or SFFS, but I have caught up on Sharpe, finished one pair of trousers (still two to do) and got a fair amount of work done, including 4 drawings yesterday. I need to decide what work I'm taking with me on the train to Birmingham on Wednesday as I'll have an hour and a half just about to get something done. I really want to put all the horses/mounts together and paint them! I'm thinking all the non-elven horses should be normal-coloured rather than nightmare offshoots, because the Cold Ones will be fancy enough :D Also gives me a chance to have normal-coloured horses in my army, because I do like normal-coloured ones! Of course, by that I mean all the naturally weird-coloured ones like gunmetal grey, pale-and-black etc.! I also have a Soul Grinder to get on with, and I've forgotten what colour he's going to be :(
I'm fairly happy about the amount of work I've got done so far, but very unhappy about how much time it's taking me. I now think i can get it done before the deadline, but not without giving everything but the essentials up. And then there's revision for the Measurement critical assessment (crit) on the last day of term, too...
The fun never stops! I promise to tell you about parties and things ASAP.
Sahha ohrain.