A Whole Quarter Century

Oct 29, 2008 11:08

Yes, I've been off for a week, supposedly tidying the house. The back room is, however, in a worse state than it was before and the lounge hasn't significantly altered... The kitchen was tidy but then someone did some baking! Still, we achieved something by getting stuff sorted and actually put stuff away rather than just moving the junk from one room to the other. We did have some starring achievements:

  • Matt found my 'missing' Night Lord heads in a box. I think I hadn't looked in there because a.) it was with his stuff and b.) I was expecting them to be in an envelope, not a box
  • My clothes are more accessible
  • I've set up and got the second computer working, albeit on Windows 98 for now
  • I sorted all the bedding in the back room cupboard and managed to fit more of it into the cubby hole than Matt had: score!
  • We consolidated a load of model boxes and chucked the empty non-rigid ones
  • There's a lot more space upstairs than I expected!

We did get up a lot later than we really wanted to each day. Evenings were out as well, of course: Monday Matt was out gaming so I did my Uni work, Tuesday was Hobbyists', Wednesday afternoon was 40k Taster which I wanted to take part in, Wednesday evening was SFFS, Thursday morning we went shopping and Friday I was at Uni (no, I didn't book holiday off for that!). Thursday evening I could've gone to Vets. Night but didn't really feel up to it and wanted to finish the back room to a vaguely reasonable state, but unfortunately ended up watching Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Panorama.

Uni goes well, I suppose. Timetable issues have been resolved and it looks like we get a lunch every day, thank God, and now finish at 6 due to labs/studios. It's basically my normal work day shifted an hour later, except with lunch at the same time! I'm really worried about the Portfolio work that's due 19th December because my camera is highly temperamental and I need to start it ASAP with photos, but I don't have time (or daylight) to get to any of the sites that are suitable. I am considering, as an interim measure and if a bit of manual cleaning of the contacts doesn't work, getting the camera fixed, but if it's going to cost more than £50 I'd rather fork out the £300 for a new digi-SLR because I miss manual focus! I've been looking at the cheaper Nikons (I'd never buy a Sony again: I didn't want to in the first place but it was best for my needs!) but I want to go and talk to the nice people in Jessops and explain the best bits about the Cybershot and Pentax ME Super. I've found the cheapest Nikon on the website which seems quite good and it's only 6.1 megapixel, but the LCD screen is bloody massive (I have very dirty fingers and find larger screens just get filthy after 5mins). I am actually seriously considering dragging out the old ME Super for old times' sake and snapping away at unsuspecting people! I changed to digital because it started to grey-out the film, but I think if I finish whatever film has been in there for 4-5 years on something unnecessary it should be fine for a few snaps :D

Saturday I baked a load of stuff, but was pretty ill so couldn't go to LARP (a shame as it was a damn good session). Sunday morning I still felt quite crappy but got over it after going to Wargames. After Wargames we went to the Last Post in Beeston as part of my birthday celebrations and I got very very drunk. I managed to get to work the next day but it was certainly in a state of drunkeness! Thankfully, no-one seems to have noticed! I got money off family (including £25 from my cousin and £30 from Matt's parents :O), a GW voucher from cheryltheperil and Ilya, and Matt gave me £30 towards a Soul Grinder off eBay Shops and then spent the £5 he would have done if he'd got me one from GW on Wispas: how sweet is that! :D :D :D

Monday I went to see Emilie again. Yesterday we went to Hobbyists' and painted (yes, Matt was painting!). Today I'm not going to SFFS: the room's going to be packed to shite because RPGSoc are going too, I've seen what they're showing a few times and I'm not fussed about seeing it again and, due to being out Monday, I haven't done any Uni work except some essential reading Saturday night. I don't know if I want to go gaming tomorrow either: I'll see how I feel when I finish dinner. Friday I might give some work a go and get to bed early because Saturday I want to be up early to go and get some photos of frame construction and some leaves for my Halloween costume before we go to Adam's birthday do at lunch and then to the Halloween party. Sunday I hope to get all the work for the week done and my portfolio started.

In unrelated news, I feel I should tell LJ-Land that daffodileithil has continued to whore her way sleep her way make relationship-based progress through the Society...! I'm still eternally surprised none of the Freshers from last year got daffodil-ed, but then they weren't her type (and trust me, some of us have got to know that quite well!).

Sahha ohrain.

work, birthday, 40k, housekeeping, inquisitor, illness, larp, money, uni, presents, baking

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