You say you want a revolution?

Jan 20, 2009 17:26

A scene from the Changeling campaign a year ago that Cat wanted me to make available. Long and poorly-formatted.

kelenar = Chris, easily-spooked living doll = me. Duh.
midnightv0yager = Polly, charismatic five-year-old flower girl = midnightvoyager
realninjaswearorange = the nameless bunny girl = Kelp.
trichio = the ST = Hei.

[23:47] kelenar: "The... thing... who took you... well, we call them the Fair Folk. We're afraid of what could happen if we called them by much else. They can, er, pretty much do whatever they want. And nobody really understands them."

[23:49] realninjaswearorange: "...whatever they want like... whatever they want? So that's why I've got rabbit ears and a cotton-tail I'm guessing. That's pretty messed up..."

[23:49] midnightv0yager: "You got that cause that's what she wanted. And that's why Chwis is a doww and I'm... weww. This."

[23:49] kelenar: "And... they have people over here, looking out for their interests. And there are all sorts of other reasons to be afraid." Chris trails off, noticeably more nervous just from discussing her fears. "... so, we tend to stick together. You can try getting a job and just... living. But it doesn't really work. We're kind of like them now."

[23:50] midnightv0yager: "But not."

[23:51] realninjaswearorange: "So we're... what?"

[23:51] midnightv0yager: "In-between, but cwosuw to human. Mostwy."

[23:53] realninjaswearorange: "Mostly is good."

[23:54] midnightv0yager: "But we can stiww do magic stuff."

[23:55] kelenar: "And... eat emotions." Chris trails off, seemingly reluctant to continue down that line of thought. "And talk to things... they're never quiet, but nobody else will listen..."

[23:55] midnightv0yager: "And wead peopwe, wike they had books on theiw faces."

[23:56] realninjaswearorange: "Now you're getting weird."

[23:56] kelenar: Chris suddenly turns a curious gaze to the bunnygirl, her slightly shaken tone disappearing. "What can you do? Do you remember? I'd love to see..."

[23:59] realninjaswearorange: She tilts her head a bit. "Nothing weird. I'm just me."

[00:02] kelenar: Chris shakes her head. "You have to be able to do something. Nobody gets back out unchanged. ... come on, we're going to a pet store."

[00:03] midnightv0yager: Polly perks! "Pet stowe!"

[00:05] kelenar: When the group arrives to the pet store, Chris immediately leads them to... a cage of fluffy bunnies. She gestures the bunnygirl toward them. "Go on. I bet you can do something."

[00:05] midnightv0yager: Polly finds kittens to play with. yay!

[00:05] realninjaswearorange: "Like what? Make them fly? Come on. This is stupid." She rolls her eyes.

[00:06] kelenar: "Talk to them? ... I can make a shield of metal, but I don't want you making a bunny-shield. Maybe make them more powerful or something..." She trails off. "There are a lot of things you could do to bunnies."

[00:07] midnightv0yager: (BUNNY SHIELD)

[00:07] realninjaswearorange: (("You can't stop me! BUNNY ARMOR GO!"))

[00:07] trichio: (("take two lethal from going through bunny armor"))

[00:07] kelenar: (( *meat-squelchy sound from offscreen* Oh dear. ))

[00:18] trichio: *The bunnies sort of chatter in mass back and forth*

[00:18] realninjaswearorange: She bends down, squinting at the rabbit. "...hey, you. What's up?"

[00:20] trichio: One of them turns to look up at the large bunnygirl. "Are you here to choose?"

[00:20] realninjaswearorange: She stares at it. "...'scuse me?"

[00:20] trichio: "Choose to take.. or sacrifice to the all consuming god of the otherside."

[00:20] kelenar: "This is why I go into trances instead," Chris says as an aside to Polly. "It's much more dignified."

[00:21] trichio: On the otherside of the store is a large anaconda.

[00:21] midnightv0yager: Polly is playing with kittens... it's not very dignified in and of itself.

[00:21] realninjaswearorange: She glances behind her at the anaconda. "...they FEED THE BUNNIES TO ANACONDAS HERE?!" She isn't quiet.

[00:22] midnightv0yager: Polly jumps. "Who what now!?"

[00:22] realninjaswearorange: She's rather the opposite of quiet infact.

[00:22] trichio: Bunny: "It consumes the unrighteous, it is the darkness that takes us."
[00:23] trichio: The proprietor looks uncomfortable at the outburst: "No..."

[00:23] realninjaswearorange: She leans back down, being quiet. "That's pretty messed up there y'know."

[00:23] trichio: "The righteous have nothing to fear from the dark god that consumes."

[00:23] midnightv0yager: Polly looks wide-eyed at the bunnies and the snake, then the proprietor.

[00:23] kelenar: Chris looks at the anaconda blandly. "I can think of worse ways to die."

[00:24] realninjaswearorange: "It's called a snake by the way. Not 'the dark god'. Just so you know."

[00:24] midnightv0yager: "They have to wive in that tiny widdwe cage and then they get eaten...!?" Polly's eyes tear up. Big Shiny Teary Doe Eyes ACTIVATE!

[00:24] realninjaswearorange: She stands up and coughs slightly. "Time to leave."

[00:24] trichio: Another one pipes up, "No let it sleep. For when it sleeps, it dreams; when it awakens, all will be consumed by the long thin god."

[00:25] realninjaswearorange: "The bunnies are FREAKING ME OUT." Her ears twitch. She begins to walk out of the store.

[00:25] trichio: A third bunny, "I am sacred. I have lived my life proper... Rapture me!"

[00:26] kelenar: "Polly..." Chris pats her head soothingly. "Um. ... ... is there any way I'm getting you out of here without buying every single bunny deargodpleasesayyes?"

[00:26] midnightv0yager: Polly looks up at the proprieter wide-eyed. "Do you pwomise you don't feed the bunnies to the big, mean snake?"

[00:26] trichio: And then the bunnies go through why they are all more worthy of being raptured by the human who can understand them.

[00:27] kelenar: Chris silently mouths "YES" at him.

[00:27] midnightv0yager: ...Aww, Polly's little lip is wibbling.

[00:27] trichio: Proprietor: "I would never do any such thing."

[00:28] realninjaswearorange: She glances from bunny to bunny, eyes slowly becoming a bit more confused and disturbed. "STOP STOP IT. STOP THAT. YOUR GOD IS A LIE! YOU ARE LIVING IN A WORLD OF LIES! STOP LYING it's really creepy."

[00:29] trichio: People are staring at the bunnygirl.

[00:29] kelenar: "... er." It's a bad day when Chris is the calmest, sanest one around. "... thank you!" She quickly grabs Polly and the bunnygirl and tries dragging them out of the store.

[00:29] trichio: A bunny in the back: "I knew it."

[00:29] realninjaswearorange: After a moment, she coughs, and straightens her posture, adjusting her shirt.

[00:29] midnightv0yager: Polly does not come with! (Give me half a second, I am SO oathing this guy)

[00:30] kelenar: Chris stops, rooted by the implacable anchor that is a self-righteous 5-year-old. "... Polly, we really can't, er, play with the bunnies anymore..."

[00:31] realninjaswearorange: The bunnygirl laughs nervously and waves to the various customers. "...hey... hi... how are you? I'm fine. Nice weather today..."

[00:32] trichio: The bunnies start fighting each other as apparently their basic concepts of society have been completely overturned.

[00:32] realninjaswearorange: She glances uncomfortably at the bunny civil war.
[00:33] realninjaswearorange: "Well it had to be done."

[00:33] trichio: its more like a bunny Jihad

[00:36] kelenar: (( ... Cat is attempting to draw up an oath for the petstore owner. Please stand by. ))

[[At this point, my connection crapped out and I missed Polly approaching the pet store owner and guilting him into agreeing to stop feeding bunnies to snakes.]]

[00:40] midnightv0yager: "Do you pwomise, on the Baby Jesus, that you'ww nevuw feed pet bunnies to the snake?"

[00:40] trichio: The proprietor: "Yeah, whatever.. are you going to leave my store?"

[00:40] kelenar: "We were just on our way out!" Chris exclaims, a bit manically, before attempting to drag the other two out once more.

[00:41] midnightv0yager: Polly is satisfied. She instantly turns to a sunny disposition. "Byebye, then!" And follows Chris out.

[00:41] realninjaswearorange: The bunnygirl is dragged out as well.

[00:42] kelenar: "... well. That was... almost a tremendous disaster, but at least we learned you can apparently talk to rabbits. Or were just putting us on."

[00:42] midnightv0yager: "He'ww wegwet it if he bweaks his pwomise." Polly sounds far too cheerful when she says those words.

tl;dr, changeling, funny stuff

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