I have completed a pattern unit on Nan's jumper. This is good, but the project will get tricky as each row is 179 stitches, and the yarn is 100% cotton and therefore heavier than woll. I might need to make a winch...
Related to this, I have reached season six of Stargate: SG-1. That's the season that sees
Corin Nemec become a regular. *Drool* I might end up watching the entire season, as opposed to cherry-picking the ones that I either missed or really enjoyed the first time around. (I like to watch something while knitting, a bit like
adelpha does while working from home.)
I have now seen X3. Didn't like it a great deal. Won't say too much more, other than Eric Lensherr got my sympathy four times over by the end of the film.
Had another attempt at using GIMP. Taking it slowly, I discovered that as well as clicking hte buttons, you can also double-click them... This made some things possible, but my idea still came out too big for an LJ icon. *Simmers* Not a lot that I can do about it now.
Books happened today. Mind you, with various other things happening (work, knitting, keeping house [*hollow laugh*], swimming), I don't have as much time for them as I used to.
Bed now.