
May 20, 2010 12:37

Yeah, I got some. Thanks to the day being busy yesterday and a mind-numbing ride home in bumper to bumper traffic from Farmington back to Lansing last night due to a pretty bad accident/chemical spill on the 23/I-96 area (to give you an idea of how bad: I left the Farmington area at around 3:15 yesterday afternoon. Didn't get back home til about a quarter to 8.) I slept like a drunk baby when I finally got home.

The ceremony was really nice. Mom got up and read a poem that Grandma wrote 30 years ago after Grandpa died. It was really great. And pretty much exemplified the kind of woman Lucille was.

My cousins, brother, an uncle or two, and myself were impromptu pall-bearers. I took it as an honor to carry her too and from the car one last time.

Irony of ironies: Right. Next. Door. To the funeral home (The Heeney-Lundquist Funeral home, to be precise. A Bit of trivia: My uncle Nick was one of the Mason's responsible for the brickwork there. Then again, that's the case for A LOT of the brickwork in the Farmington area) was Cowley's Irish Pub. Was handy in not only were there a bunch of hungry and thirsty Burton's and Rowe's after everything was said and done, but it was also my brother's birthday. Geez. Poor kid. That's TWO years in a row that his b-day's fallen on less than ideal circumstances.

I'd never been there before. I want to go back. Like, right now. Irish Spring Rolls, man. Irish Spring Rolls. (It's about what you'd think it is. A spring roll loaded up with cabbage, mashed potatoes, and corned beef. With Thousand Island dipping I needed something else to crave...).

Anyway, that's really all I've got. It's just one of those things that IS over but just doesn't FEEL over (may or may not have something to do with the impending lawsuit. I dunno). So, I'm still a little edgy. But on the bright side: only half as burnt out as I have been feeling lately.

What? it's progress...
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