Feb 11, 2015 21:36
A book that made you cry: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Written by Kate DiCamillo. Candlewicke, 2006. Audio performed by Judith Ivey.
It was only when I pulled out the CDs -- both of them -- that I realized this is a children's book. It has a couple dozen chapters, though, so it's not like I'm reading something like Where the Wild Things Are for the challenge. I cried, though. Not a few tears like the end of Jonathan Strange; I bawled my eyes out. In a good, sad, tuggy-heartstrings kind of way. I loved Edward's story, and I really enjoyed Judith Ivey's performance.
Onward and upward: I'm about fifty pages from the end of Kavalier and Clay and halfway through Bluebeard's Egg. I want to finish both Zlata and Anne (library books) before getting a print copy of Awakenings.
reading challenge,