Jan 29, 2010 11:29
Just had a call with the Vet College.
The tumor is already more involved in the edges of the cornea and in the rest of the conjuctiva, not just in the sclera where it became visible. They say best option therefore is the best opthmalogical surgeon... who is not available today, of course. The other option is they go ahead with the non-specialist, but I prefer the option of the specialist if it is that involved. So Pico comes back home, we reschedule, and go from there
I am trying to tell myself that at least the vet I just spoke to on the phone didn't say it had got too close to the optic nerve (one the worst-case scenarios the vet yesterday mentioned) or say they didn't think even the speicalist could have a chance of getting it all out (and I hope saving the eye with at least most of his vision in it intact... but saving him from the cancer spreading is the very most important thing here)
I am really, really upset with myself that I did not get the little bit of redness in the corner of his eye checked out when I first saw it :( But he has a bit of partial white sclera* there on that eye, and he was having allergies regulalry and I stupidly thought it was just a bit irritated, since he didn't seem to be having vision trouble or pain in his eye area
*(Translation for the non-horsey: more or less think of it as the whites of his eyes, which on most horses are brown, but on some horses are white, or partially so)
(It's the eye in this icon, as it just so happens.)