Jan 28, 2010 15:32
Pico had a reddish bit in the corner of one eye for a bit, which I foolishly ignored. Until quite recently when suddenly it became clearly a growth, that was getting bigger :-(
Yesterday Pico went to the Royal Vet college to have his stifles and hocks xrayed and his tendons on his hind legs ultrasounded. All part of the 'can we rebuild him?' effort. So obviously I had them look at the eye too. (If the leggies appointment hadn't been scheduled to go ahead anyhow I'd have had the vet out to the stables to look at the eye, obviously. )
It is as I feared: a malignant tumor of the conjunctiva. With any luck though, it may not have invaded any other structures as yet and they will be able to get it out without risk to his vision (or him)
So obviously I was planning to get him scheduled back in ASAP to sort it. I did think ASAP would mean next week at earliest...
Then the Vet School called saying there is an opening for surgery tomorrow
My Pico-pony is going in for surgery tomorrow. :-/
I am freaked about him going under general anesthetic
I am also freaked 'cos there is a chance that when they ultrasound the eye area before surgery, they may find it's too late for the neat and tidy excision of all the malignant tissue (if it's already impingin too close to the optic nerve, rahter than still being containied to the conjunctiva as we hope)
Basically I am freaked and worried about my poor boy