Bookkeeping 2006-June

Jul 03, 2006 11:53

Another Two book month...oh well, I really enjoyed both of them, so quality not quantity I suppose...

Book # 1: From a Whisper to a Scream by Charles De Lint--Disturbing, vivid, extremely well written and with some very sympathetic (and one not so sympathetic) characters. I tortured myself while reading this book trying to remember the '80's group who did the song Whisper to a Scream which is unrelated in other than title as far as I know. (It was Icicle House.)

Book # 2: American Gods by Neil Gaiman--For some completely inexplicable reason, I've always avoided Gaiman's solo novels, though Good Omens by Gaiman and Terry Pratchett is one of my all time favorites. I assumed that all the funny bits of Good Omens were from Pratchett. Thanks to Trektone I was proven very wrong. For Xmas (or was it my birthday...) Joey provided me with Gaiman's Anansi Boys (which has a completely hilarious built-in "personalization" that led me to believe that Neil might be rather silly all on his own.) So while at The Fabulous Borderlands Books (Home to the Hairless WonderCat!) with Rabbijeffty last month, I decided to purchase and read American Gods first, just in case I ended up loving them, I wanted to read them in the correct order. And love it I did. The book is extremely well written, and even when at points it seemed to wander off, or not quite provide me with all of the information I would have liked, it never failed to draw me in, make me laugh and make me think. Good times.

Next up for July: Kim Harrison's new novel, Fistful of Charms. I'm so freakin' bummed I missed her at Borderlands on Saturday, 7/1. I forgot that I had promised to go to the Marin County fair with the Topper Girls to see...NELSON. That's right, I said, Nelson. Shut up.
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