Chesterstead w 2: The Svedala's 18/3 2011

Apr 06, 2011 21:48

Here's me, Hecktor, heading out an early morning to my new-bought store. We decided to buy a new one, with Inga's store doing ok we thought we could handle the extra work; but we also needed the extra income.

It's a small store with basic groceries, something we really needed in Chesterstead. I'm from a small place just outside of Chesterstead, and since none of the places nearby have any supermarkets or decent stores I knew a lot of people were in need of a place to shop without having to travel for over an hour by car.

I was very happy when we received a positive review of the place! That'll mean even more customers!

I was very pleased when our Good Witch came by one day; everyone's mood was lifted as she let the sun shine on my little store.

The small store can sometimes feel really crowded!

Inga is having a bit of problems with her store; there are a lot of customers, but she had to shrink the space because we couldn't afford to restock so much all the time, not while having employees as well. But they're doing a great job!

When we get home, it's time to be parents again.

And then it was Klas' birthday!

Summer Serafinowicz by xie_sims and by

We still find time for each other.

Klas is growing, and is a happy child.

Inga isn't a fan of potty training, but it's something we have to go through.

Inga got a good review as well!

And one day we found out Inga was pregnant again! And this time, with twins! Of course we were excited, but we also realised this would mean we one day need to find a new house. This place will be too small for 5 people!

Even our Garden Club loves to shop at our place!

And before we knew it, it was Klas' birthday again! Time really goes fast!

Sometimes I just have to stop and realise that I have a family. I was living a rather relaxed life, having cut my parents out of my life (for many reasons) and trying to find my own place in this world. And then I'd fallen in love, I'd taken loans and made a family. It's a lot of responsibilities, but I don't regret one day of it.

Inga is staying at home during this pregnancy; when we were expecting Klas she was working for nearly the whole time, but it was really hard on her. Now with two babies in her belly, we won't risk it.

There aren't any playgrounds in Chesterstead, and one day Klas was really annoyed about that, so I decided to teach him how to play pirate in the tub.

I think I was the one enjoying it the most!

We were a bit worried Klas might not be all to happy with having to more children stealing his parents time.

But we have to agree; he seems quite excited.

He really wanted to sell lemonade, already trying to make some money on his own, so I buildt him a lemonade stand one evening.

And then it was time for the twins! Two boys; Sven and Simon. Simon has dark skin and Sven is light blue. Both have my eyes and hair. I know Inga wanted at least a daughter, but we've decided against more kids. We'll just have to hope for grandaughters then! :)

Klas managed to sell some lemonade, before he got bored with it. Kids.

Abigail had been working really hard, and one day I promoted her to manager! It felt really good to be able to put the store in such capable hands, as I would now have to be at home a lot more with the three kids!

I did talk to many of my costumers about the twins, and got a lot of congratulations. They would be sad to not see me in the store as much anymore, but felt comfortable with Abigail being in charge!

Inga had a lot of work with the twins, and was very happy I could be at home more. I would need to work more over at Inga's store, but at least it was just one place to worry about now!

We'd had to move Klas' bed outside the nursery, by the stairs. Not the best place, but he seemed content. We've promised him he will get a new room once we've moved to a bigger place.

I try to spend a lot of time with him, just him and me. He seems pretty happy though, he reads a lot and he can't wait until his brothers grow up so he can play with them.

Inga wasn't happy when the shower broke down. When I got home that evening I made her go to bed and took the night shift with the twins. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Klas really loves the little garden we have. He can't stop tending to the tomatoes.

And once again, time had past very quickly and it was time for our little babies to become toddlers.



The house is very small right now, the twins have to play by their brothers bed. We have no space! Luckily, we can now afford the house next door which is much bigger. The little ones will have to share bedrooms, but at least Klas will have his own.

Klas has just recently started school and we're expecting him to make a lot of friends. I hope we'll soon be able to let him bring them home with him and that's why we've just put in an offer for the new house. See you soon!

- Ok, I really love my Garden Club lady! She's such a pretty townie! As is the paper boy.
- Hecktor is such a sweatheart, haha. IDK I still feel as if he just... stumbled into this life with Inga. Maybe I should have them marry in the next update? They still aren't married.
- Ok, so Hecktor did not teach Klas about Bathtub Pirate. I was playing and then I had no idea where Hecktor had gone, until I found him playing in the tub!

Sims by: petchy_14

chesterstead:svedala, chesterstead

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