Gallimatias: Moln w.4 23/1 2011

Apr 06, 2011 21:39

Yeah, this is where me and my brother, Love, ended up. I'm Simon, by the way. We left our parents' house as soon as we could; we love our siblings but living with all four of them and mum and dad was getting a bit too much. We're still teenagers but many kids here move out early anyway, so it wasn't hard to persuade mum and dad.

I have the entrance to the right, Love the one to the left. Then upstairs we have two studies/tv-rooms and then the kitchen. It's ok.

Love had his girlfriend, Chromium, move in at once. He really longs for a family. I gues that's good; I just feel the pressure from Dad. He really wants all of us 6 kids to get married.

Chromium by xie_belle.

She seems nice.

Here's me and my girlfriend, Fidelity Heart. She's really cool, and I love her a lot. But I'm not all too sure asking her to move in was really one of my brightest ideas; but she seemed eager to.

I just don't know what is up with Rachel Natur. I mean, we didn't do anything to her!

Here's Love, his greatest wish is to have a long and happy marriage.

Here's me, Simon. I want to become Hall of Famer one day!

I really freaked out when I found out. We're not ready! I guess Love is, and Heart just went right on to read about kids; but I'm not sure I can do this!

Chromium really eats a lot now, Heart not as much. I guess it's different?

We still find time to be just teens though, me and Love.

So both Heart and Chromium had to stay home now. More company for Love, but it also means that I'm the only one bringning in money.

Love proposed to Chromium. He was so happy when she said yes; he really wanted his kid to feel part of a family.

I proposed too. I guess i want to marry Heart; I hope we'll have a great life together. But mostly it was Dad; he was yelling at me last time we met for putting Heart in this "situation" and not being reponsible about it. I got angry too; I don't think that just because you're married your more "together". I think you can be a family without wearing rings. But mum called later that evening and asked me if I didn't think maybe Heart wanted this? Since well, she did get pregnant still being a teenager and maybe she'd be afraid I'd leave her? So I guess I proposed to make her feel more relaxed about the whole thing; she has been stressing a lot about getting kids while so young. Chromium is after all a few years older than all of us.

And Chromium, god! Could she stop talking about that baby?

Heart just played chess and read books all day.

It was really good for me that Heart, even with that huge bally, is still my flirty, funny girlfriend.

So, Love and Chromium had this huge wedding when I was a t work. Maybe that was good. I love my family, but seeing dad and him asking all kinds ofquestions about Heart and the baby; I just can't stand it.

Heart told me every one had had a great time; she loved meeting my family.

I saw some of the wedding photos they'd taken; they really did look happy. I'm so glad for them, Chromium and Love make a wonderful couple.

They didn't really go on a honey moon, it was more of a two days trip, since both Heart and Chromium are due any moment now.

And then it was finally time for me and Love to become adults!

The first thing I did?

Get married, of course! I'd talked alot to Heart about the marriage; I did not want a huge family-thing. And she was fine with that, and happy with just Love and Chromium. That's the part of my family she knows the best, anyway.

I'm really happy about this picture; it's so us, just goofy and funny!

But I'm still weary about this whole baby-thing. I'm not sure I can do it. Being a parent is really somethign big, and I'm not sure I can handle the reponsibility.

But Heart is just playing chess and taking it easy.

Love was the one to hear the screams from the bathroom as he was reading just outside.

And, wow. This is little Naphtali, my son. It's an amazing feeling, holding you baby for the first time.

Love just adores the babies; he tends for them all the time. He named his little boy Joseph.

Heart just reads.

Love and Chromium started a vegetable garden outside their window. It's actually kind of neat; even if gardening really bores me.

Heart had her birthday too; she cut her hair and bought some new clothes. I love that red hair of hers.

Fidelity Heart by bondchick_nett.

I have to stay in shape for my job, Love is more afraid of becoming the typical stay-at-home dad with his belly that he's gotten from just tending kids and eating all day, haha!

Love was home for the boys' birthdays; I wasn't. Heart is getting more and more annoyed with me not being there with Napthali; but I'm working hard! I don't want to come home and nurse a baby. I play with him, and I help out as much as I can, but I have to excercise to get my promotions too.

Naphtali loves playing with his blocks. I hope he doesn't get too upset with things being a little strained between me and his mum.

Love and Chromium are talkign about having another baby! I think they're crazy; the house is full of noise as it is!

Love, Heart and Chromium just loves being parents. I avoid going into the kids' room when they're there; I just get looks from them.

I've noticed Chromium running in to the bathroom on a few occasions, I haven't said anything to Love since it's none of my buissness. Can't help getting annoyed though.

I guess they got what they wanted.

gallimatias:luft, gallimatias

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