Jan 19, 2005 21:08
Anger, hate, happiness, joy, sadness, loneliness, heartache/heartbreak. How is it possible that all these feelings can be dervived from a single situation? It's weird how people view things so differently. Sometimes it bothers me when people see things with such a critical eye. Other times I can appreciate it. I guess the way you feel and react at a given time is based on a whole bunch of things.
Today was so awesome. I was in a great mood. Even though I basically slept through all of my classes. All the people I don't generally see/ talk to, I saw/ talked to today. What a fabulous Wednesday.
Oh, how I wish I was a senior. Kind of. The class trip sounds like so much fun! But I guess the anticipation is half of the excitement.
I've decided I really need to start thinking about college. I want to have a bunch of recommendations and be the top of my class. I want to play on varsity teams so that by the time I'm a junior, colleges will be contacting me. Too bad I can't get an "A" in Bio this marking period. I need to ace the test tomorrow just to get a "B+." Which probably means I should go study some more.
Most of my love, Kira
P.S. (what does that mean again, Postal something?) IT SNOWED TODAY! YES!!!!