For Sophia, because she asked for it.

Jul 30, 2004 19:37

No really. She did.

I though at first I would type long explanations for these topics but decided to keep it to the space allowed for consistancy with others. As I enjoy frank respectful exchange of ideas, I'd be happy to talk to people about most of these.

The Ultimate Politics Survey

Describe your stance on:

Abortion: I'm against it. It's bad for women and it's bad for our culture to devalue life and allow people to believe there are no consequences for our actions

Affirmative Action: I'm against it. It's bad for minorities to believe they can't compete without a handicap and bad for the culture since it breeds animosity

Age of Consent: I'm against it. No, really. For what? Just make it 18 for everything: smoking, drinking, mariage, military, marijuana, etc

Animal Testing: I'm against it. No, wait. I do it. The short-sighted radicals against animal testing are the same ones against drug companies just for making a profit

Death Penalty: I'm all for it. Except it should be applied more often and more switly. In far more murders as well as violent rape convictions with DNA evidence.

Downloading Music/Movies: Buy it. If you want it now then buy it from the iMusic store (or equivalent). If they don't have it, download it then buy it.

Drug Decriminalization: Whatever. No real strong opinion here. Except the federal government should get out of it. Then the states can outlaw them if they want.

Factory Farming: People keep saying we need more factory jobs. If we can grow the factories here in America, I say "Good On Ya"

Free Trade: I used to be against it. Now I see it helps our ecomony and theirs. There are surely ways to improve regulation, but these things are a process

Funding of Arts: The hardest question. Some federal funding of "Art" is a good thing, but I'm afraid you'll all say, "But it doesn't say 'arts' in the Constition..."

Gay Marriage: No. I'm all about the civil-unions though. I've been called a semantics Nazi, but

Gun Control: No. Just no. I'm fine with making it hard for me to have an automatic weapon. I don't understand those who want to take guns away from the law abiding

Immigration: Again, No. Just kidding. Absolutely necessary, but do it within the law. Illegals should be shipped back for trying to jump line.

Hardcore Pornography: Sure, why not? In fact the question doesn't even make much sense. I'll tell you about my idea on porn & prostitution later.

Human Cloning: It's going to happen. Get used to it. In fact, I'm not even against "designer babies". But that's a subject for later. Ask me sometime.

Miltary Draft: No. It's a bad idea. You just get lots of people who don't want to be there and have no business doing it in the first place.

Minimum Wage: I WAS a good idea. May still be, but people no good at math or economics are often give me a chuckle with their lack of foresight.

Prostitution: Sure, why not. Get the pimps out and tax the

School Vouchers: Yes. Public schools need some competition and they need it in areas where the public is too poor to afford the alternatives.

Taxes: Less federal taxes means smaller government. If not now then eventually. Perhaps a sales tax that exempts food, meds, etc. Tax comsumption not work

United Nations: it has it's uses. Health assistance, hunger relief, etc. But there are SERIOUS problem with the setup.

Universal Health Care: A nice pipe-dream. People on the bottom here wish we had socialized medicine but all it does is spread the misery to everyone with the waiting lists

War on Terrorism: This is World War 3. We can not allow these extremists with no respect for the lives or rights of others to dictate the future direction of the world.

Welfare: I'm glad that Clinton and the Republican congress got together on the reform in the 1990's. Roles are down employment is up.

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